Name: Dr. Naveen Kumar R
Designation: Head & Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics
Qualification: M.Sc., Ph.D.
Year of Joining: 2019
Work Experience: 12 Years
- “Digital signal Analysis and compression techniques using wavelets”
- “Glioblastoma Analysis using Time Frequency Technique”
- Naveen Kumar R, Review on Brain Tumor Image Segmentation in Time-Frequency Domain in Journal of Image Processing and Artificial Intelligence (e-ISSN: 2581-3803) Volume8 Issue 3 Year 2022.
- Naveen kumar.R, B.N.Jagadale and J.S. Bhat, ”An Effective image compression algorithm using modified EZTW”, Journal of Image Processing, Springer Publishers,pp:1-8(2020)
- Dhanashri Vaishali, Lakshmipathi V, Naveen Kumar R, “A Review on Intimidation of E-tool in pandemic” , Journal of Integrated Marketing Communications and Digital Marketing-MAT Journal Publications, Vol 1 (2),pp19-21, 2020.
- Naveen Kumar R, Nagarathna A, Prathiba V K, “A Review on Glioblastoma Tumor Image segmentation Technique”, Journal of Medical Surgical Nursing Practice and Research, Vol 2(2), (2020)
- Naveen kumar.R, B.N.Jagadale and J.S. Bhat, ”A lossless image compression algorithm using Wavelets and Fractional Fourier transform”, S N Journal of Applied sciences, Springer Publishers,pp:1-8(2019)
- Lakshmipathi V K, Naveen kumar.R, ”Attendance system by DWT and HOG face recognition techniques “, International Journal of Advance and Innovative research,Vol.6(2),pp-83-87(2019)
- Naveen kumar.R, B.N.Jagadale and J.S. Bhat, “1d &2d Signal compression using discrete Wavelet transform: A Survey”, Journal of image processing and artificial Intelligence,Vol.4(2),PP.1-10 (2018).
- Naveen kumar.R, B.N.Jagadale and J.S. Bhat, “Medical data compression using Wavelet transform for Telemedicine Applications”, International Journal of Advance and innovative research,Vol.5(3),PP. 36-41(2018).
- Naveen kumar.R, B.N.Jagadale and J.S. Bhat, “An improved image compression algorithm using Wavelet and Fractional Cosine transform”, International Journal image,Graphics and Signal Processing,Vol.10(11),PP. 19-27(2018).
- Naveen kumar.R, B.N.Jagadale and J.S. Bhat, “Efficient Wavelet coding Technique in DWT-DCT for colour image compression”, International Journal of Signal processing,Vol.14(3),PP. 26-32(2018).
- Naveen kumar.R, B.N.Jagadale and J.S. Bhat, “An Improved Neigh Shrink in Hybrid Wavelet Transform for Image Compression”, International Journal in Advanced Research in computer Science,Vol.8(3),PP. 330-333(2017).
- Naveen kumar.R, B.N.Jagadale, Sharvani.M, Nayana.B and Meghana.B.N, “A Lossless Image Compression using one Dimensional Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology,Vol.6(5),PP:7828-7832(2017).
- Naveen kumar.R, B.N.Jagadale and J.S. Bhat, ”Improved Binary Tree coding for image compression using modified singular value decomposition”, Journal of informatics and mathematical science, Vol.10(1&2), PP: 109-119(2017)
- Naveen kumar.R, B.N.Jagadale and J.S. Bhat, “Hybrid Image Compression using Modified Singular Value Decomposition and Adaptive Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Tree”, Indian Journal of science and Technology, Vol.10(28),PP:1-9(2017).
- Naveen kumar.R, B.N.Jagadale and J.S. Bhat, “Performance Evalution pf Walsh Wavelet transform using Wavelet threshold”, Middle East Journal of Scientific Research,Vol.24(1),PP. 128-132(2016).
- Digital Signal Processing
- Embedded System and VLSI design
- Microprocessor
- Digital Electronics
- Analog Electronics
- Image Processing
- ”A Review on image segmentation using time-frequency domain” in conference proceedings of ICRASTEM 2022,at Brindavan College, Bangalore.
- One day webinar on “Exponential technologies transforming IT industry” organized by BCA Department in coordination with IQAC, Baldwin Women Methodist College on 30.05.2020
- One Day Webinar on ”ADVANCED DIGITAL SYSTEM DESIGN USING VERILOG” organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering , Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology, Srikakulam on 29th June, 2020 in Collaboration with LUCID INSTITUTE OF VLSI EDUCATION, Bangalore
- One day webinar on ‘Cyber Security and Technologies’ organized by Department of Computer Science on 27th June 2020, at Ramaiah college of Arts, Science and commerce, Bengaluru
- One day webinar on ‘Impact of COVID-19 in Education Sector’ organized by Department of Language on 4th June 2020, at Ramaiah college of Arts, Science and commerce, Bengaluru
- Participated in a Drive on sensitizing People about COVID-19 Pandemic on 27-05-2020, Organized by BRB College of Commerce, Raichur
- Three day webinar on ‘Get Career Ready:Post COVID-19’ organized by Department of MBA From 17th to 19th June 2020, at Ramaiah college of Arts, Science and commerce, Bengaluru
- One day webinar on ‘Cloud Virtual Education System Become New Normal’ organized by IEEE Young Professionals Bengaluru, on 24th May 2020
- One day webinar on ‘Advance Communication system & Smart Dust Sensor’ organized by Department of Electronics on 15th June 2020, at Sharana Basaveshwara College , Kalburgi Karnataka.
- One day webinar on ‘Tips to Become Successful Entrepreneur’ organized by IEEE Young Professionals Bengaluru, on 8th May 2020
- One day Faculty Development Program on “E-Resource and Digital Content” on 21st September 2019, Organized by Department of Library and Information Centre.
- Three day Workshop on ‘NAAC Assessment & Accreditation: A step by step Process’ organized by Gates Institute of Technology, Andra Pradesh from 28th to 30th May 2020
- Two weeks State Level Faculty Development Program on “ Information and Communication Technology Usage in Teaching”, Organized from GFGC, Siddakatte, Bantwala from 30-05-2020 to 12-06-2020
- One weeks National Level Faculty Development Program on “ Python Programming”, Organized from GFGC, Kolar from 05-06-2020 to 11-06-2020
- One day Faculty Development Program on “ Didactics for Online Teaching”, Organized by Department of MBA From 2nd July 2020, at Ramaiah college of Arts, Science and commerce, Bengaluru
- Two Week ISTE Workshop on signals and system (Under National mission on Education Through ICT by MHRD) on 2 to12 january 2014, Conducted by IIT Karagpur, hosted by JNNCE, Shivamogga.
- Three day Workshop on Pattern Classifiers on 26 to 28 March 2015, conducted by Dept. of CS, Kuvempu University, Shivamogga.
- Participated in Silver Jubilee Science Exhibition on 16 to19 February 2012, Kuvempu University, Shivamogga.
- One day National seminar on Emerging trends in Electronics on 15th March 2016, Dept. of PG studies and Research in Electronics, Kuvempu University, Shivamogga.
- Two days National seminar on Nano materials and their applications on 18th and 19th March 2016, Dept. of PG studies and Research in Physics, Kuvempu University, Shivamogga.
- Received Deputy Director General Commendation Certificate with Gold medal for Excellence in NCC Duties in 2023.
- Appointed as Contingent Commander for All India Vayu Sainik Camp held at Jodhpur, Rajasthan 2022.
- Completed Pre-Commission Course, from Officer Training Academy(OTA), Kamptee, Nagpur(MH) and Air Force Station(IAF), Thambaram, Chennai(TN), 2022
- Received Certificate of Excellence from Group Commander, Bangalore B group
- Appointed as Examination Vigilance squad for Bangalore University and Bengaluru Central University exams held on 2020 and 2021.
- Delivered a Guest Lecture on ‘Signal Processing and its Application’ at SFS College, Electronic city, Bangalore on 27-07-2019.
- Program coordinator for National conference and seminar at Dept. of PG studies and Research in Electronics, Kuvempu University, Shivamogga.
- Conducted Special Lectures at Dept. of PG studies and Research in Electronics, Kuvempu University, Shivamogga.
- Guidance for a M.Sc Electronic projects at Dept. of PG studies and Research in Electronics, Kuvempu University, Shivamogga.
- Organizer for Inter Departmental “brain storm research discussion sessions” at Dept. of PG studies and Research in Electronics, Kuvempu University, Shivamogga.
- Email: drnkr_elec@msrcasc.edu.in
- Department of Electronics
M.S Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce
Bangalore - 560054, India