Name: Dr. S Nandini
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: PhD
Year of Joining: 2023
Work Experience: 6 Years (4 Years - Teaching , 2 Years - Research)
Ph.D Research Tppic Metal Nanoparticles for the construction of Enzymatic Biosenors
Electrochemical Biosensors, Nanoparticles synthesis, Polyphenol extraction, Electrodeposition, Enzyme studies, Ultrasonication.
“Current trends of functionalized nanomaterial-based sensors in point-of-care diagnosis” S. Nandini, S. Nalini, S. Bindhu, S. Sandeep, C.S. Karthik, K.S. Nithin, P. Mallu, J.G. Manjunatha,Editor(s): Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain, Jamballi G. Manjunatha, In Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Materials, Functionalized Nanomaterial-Based Electrochemical Sensors, Woodhead Publishing, 2022, Pages 337-353, ISBN 9780128237885
- “A multianalyte electrochemical sensor based on cellulose fibers with silver nanoparticles composite as an innovative nano-framework for the simultaneous determination of ascorbic acid, dopamine and paracetamol” Surfaces and Interfaces 26(2021), Impact factor- 6.13 Q2
- “Simple sonochemical synthesis of SrCuO2 assisted GCN Nanocomposite for the sensitive electrochemical detection of 4-AAP” Surfaces and Interfaces 20(2020) Impact factor- 6.13 Q2
- “Metal-ion co-ordination assembly based multilayer of one dimensional Gold nanostructures and catalase as electrochemical sensor for the analysis of hydrogen peroxide” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 245 (2017) 726-740. Impact factor- 9.2 Q1
- “Impedimetric analysis of interaction between DNA and phytochemical constituents’ of Calotropis procera for pre-clinical evaluation” Advanced Materials and Letters 8 (2017) 1020-1208, Impact factor- 1.46 Q1
- “A novel bioassay based gold nanoribbon biosensor to aid the preclinical evaluation of anticancer properties” RSC Advances, 6 (2016) 60693-60703. Impact factor- 4.03 Q2
- “Synthesis of one-dimensional gold nanostructures and the electrochemical application of the nanohybrid containing functionalized graphene oxide for cholesterol biosensing” Bioelectrochemistry 110 (2016) 79-90, Impact factor- 5.76 Q2
- “An electrochemical perspective assay for anticancer activity of Calotropis procera against glioblastoma cell line (LN-18) using Carbon nanotubes- graphene nano-conglomerate as a podium’, Advanced Materials and Letters 7 (2016) 1003-1009. Impact factor- 1.46 Q1
- “Design of a Potentiostat and Glucometer for Rhoeo Discolor Leaf Extract Based Glucose Biosensor” Journal of Innovation in Electronics and Communication Engineering 5 (2015) 63
- “Rhoeo discolor leaf extract as a novel immobilizing matrix for the fabrication of an electrochemical glucose and hydrogen peroxide biosensor” Anal. Methods, 6 (2014) 863-877. Impact factor -3.5 Q2
- “Amperometric hydrogen peroxide and cholesterol biosensors designed by using hierarchical curtailed silver flowers functionalized graphene and enzymes deposits” Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 18 (2014) 685 – 701 Impact factor -2.7 Q2
- “Development of a simple bioelectrode for the electrochemical detection of hydrogen peroxide using Pichia pastoris catalase immobilized on gold nanoparticle nanotubes and polythiophene hybrid” Analyst, 139 (2014) 5800. Impact factor- 5.2 Q1
- “Electrochemical biosensor for the selective determination of hydrogen peroxide based on the co-deposition of palladium, horseradish peroxidase on functionalized-graphene modified graphite electrode as composite” Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 689 (2013) 233–242 Impact factor -4.59, Q2
- Electrochemical Detection of Breast Cancer Biomarker, poster presentation at 11th Annual Karnataka Science and Technology Academy Conference organized by NMKRV College for Women, Jayangar, Bangalore during Feb 1-2, 2019.
- Isolation of aurantiamide acetate a dipeptide from Pongamiaglabra and electrochemical screening of its anticancer activity, poster presentation at 11th Annual Karnataka Science and Technology Academy Conference organized by NMKRV College for Women, Jayangar, Bangalore during Feb 1-2, 2019.
- Electrochemical cholesterol biosensor fabricated using one dimenstional gold nanostrucutres and functionalized graphene, oral presentatin at National conference on “Current Scenario and Future Prospects of Biotechnology in Diverse Sectors CSFPB-2016” during Jan 21-22, 2016 organised by Department of Biotechnology, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamanagalam, Tamilnadu. This paper was awarded the best paper award.
- A new electrochemical biosensor based on simple conventional bioassay for the detection of anticancer activity oral presentation at National conference on “Current Scenario and Future Prospects of Biotechnology in Diverse Sectors CSFPB-2016” during Jan 21-22, 2016 organised by Department of Biotechnology, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamanagalam, Tamilnadu
- Bio-template fabrication of gold nanoparticle nanotubes and its electrochemical application in cholesterol biosensing for oral presentation at UGC Sponsored National Conference on “Chemistry: From Lab to Business World -Fostering an Entrepreneurial Spirit” on February 13-14, 2015 organized by Department of chemistry, Mount Carmel College, Bangalore.
- Anticancer effect of aqueous leaf extract of Calotropis procera on Human Glioblastoma LN18 cell line, poster presentation at UGC Sponsored National Conference on “Chemistry: From Lab to Business World -Fostering an Entrepreneurial Spirit” on February 13-14, 2015 organized by Department of chemistry, Mount Carmel College, Bangalore. This paper was awarded the best paper award.
- “Electrochemical application in pre-screening of anticancer property of Calotropis procera plant extract on DNA biosensor” poster presentation at International Conference on Electrochemical Scienece and Technology (ICONEST-2014) organized during August 7 to 9th 2014 by the Electrochemical Society of India at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
- “Electrochemical hydrogen peroxide biosensor based on Alumina Templated gold nanoparticles nanotubes polythiophene and catalase obtained from Pichia pastoris” poster presentation at International Conference on Electrochemical Scienece and Technology (ICONEST-2014) organized during August 7 to 9th 2014 by the Electrochemical Society of India at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. This paper was awarded the best paper award.
- “Sonochemical synthesis of gold nanoparticles using Quercetin as a stabilizer and its application in electrochemical detection of cholesterol” oral presentation at National conference on “Recent trends in Chemical research” on 3rd – 4th Jan 2014 at Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Enginerring, Mysore. This paper was awarded the best paper award.
- “Bimettalic Pd-Ag, f-graphene and enzyme co-deposited electrode for the development of electrochemical glucose biosensor” oral presentation at National conference on “Recent trends in Chemical research” on 3rd – 4th Jan 2014 at Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Enginerring, Mysore.
- “Development of Cholesterol Biosensor bsed on layer by layer technique”,poster presentation at National Conference on Scope of Advanced Materials in Energy and Environmet which was held on 7-8th August 2013 at CMR institute of Technology, Bangalore. This paper was awarded the best paper award.
- “Biochemical sensor for the determination of hydrogen peroxide based on gold nanoparticles prepared by sonochemical method” poster presentation at National Conference on Scope of Advanced Materials in Energy and Environmet which was held on 7-8th August 2013 at CMR institute of Technology, Bangalore.
- Electrochemcal studies on role of Rhoeo discolour Leaf in H2O2 biosensor, paper (poster) presented at “A state level Chemistry symposium Chemthirst 2013” which was held on 20th March 2013 at NMKRV College for Women, Bangalore. This paper was awarded the best paper award
- Cholesterol Oxidase Co-deposited with Palladium on Functionalized Graphene modified graphite as a suitable catalyst for Cholesterol analysis, paper (poster) presented at “International Conference on “Biological Inorganic Chemistry (ICBIC -2013)” which was held during on 20 -22 February 2013, at Periyar university, Salem, Tamilnadu. This paper was awarded the best paper award.
- An electrochemical Cholesterol biosensor based on electro deposition of silver, graphene and cholesterol oxidase as a biocatalyst in the determination of cholesterol, oral presentation at “International Conference on “Biological Inorganic Chemistry (ICBIC -2013)” which was held during on 20 -22 February 2013, at Periyar university, Salem, Tamilnadu.
- Electrochemically Deposited Silver, Graphene & Glucose Oxidase on Graphite Electrode for Amperometric Determination of Glucose, oral presentation at “International Conference on “Recent Advances in Material science & technology” which was held during 17th-19th January, 2013, at National Instiute of Technology, Surathkal, Karnataka
- Electrodeposition of Glucose oxidase and Palladium onto functionalized graphene modified graphite electrode for the application in glucose sensing, oral presentation at “International Conference on “Recent Advances in Material science & technology” which was held during 17th-19th January, 2013, at National Instiute of Technology, Surathkal, Karnataka
- A novel electrochemical biosensor for the selective determination of glucose using Rhoeo Discolor leaf as immobilizing matrix, (poster) presented at DAE-BRNS Life sciences symposium 2012 on “Trends in Plant, Agriculture and Food sciences” which was held on 17th – 19th December 2012 at BARC Mumbai. This paper was awarded the best paper award
- Electrochemical Glucose Biosensor with Rhoeo Discolour Leaf as a Natural Supporting Material for Immobilization of Glucose Oxidase, presented at National Level Seminar/ Workshop on “Synthesis, Characterization, Properties and Applications of Novel Materials” which was held on 30th & 31st August 2012 at Christ University, Bangalore, This paper was awarded the best paper award.
- An Amperometric horseradish peroxidase biosensor based on the co-deposition of Nickel, Silver, Graphene and HRP for the determination of hydrogen peroxide, (poster) presented at “National conference on Chemistry-Challenges and opportunities (NCCCO-2012)” from16th to18th February 2012 at St. Joseph’s College of Science, Bangalore.
- A Hydrogen peroxide biosensor based on electrodeposition of palladium and horseradish peroxidase onto graphene modified graphite electrode, (poster) presented at “National conference on Chemistry-Challenges and opportunities (NCCCO-2012)” from16th to18th February 2012 at St. Joseph’s College of Science, Bangalore.
- Novel non-enzymatic hydrogen peroxidase sensor based on co-deposition of nickel-silver on graphene modified electrode” (poster) presented at “National Conference on Recent Advances in Functionalized Materials (RAFM-12)”, from 24-25th January 2012 at M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
- A hydrogen peroxidase sensor based on electrodeposition of palladium on graphite electrode, paper (poster) presented at the “National Conference on Recent Advances in Functionalized Materials (RAFM-12)”, from 24-25th January 2012 at M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
- Graphene Based Horse Radish Peroxidase Biosensor towards the detection of Hydrogen Peroxide, paper (poster) presented at “National conference on recent advances in chemical and environmental sciences, NCRACES-2011” from 28th & 29th DEC-2011 at Jain University,Bangalore.
Received 9 Best paper awards at various national and international conferences
- Email:drnandini_biochem@msrcasc.edu.in
Department of Biotechnology & Genetics
M.S Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce
Bangalore - 560054, India - Office: 080-23608597