Name: Ms. Nagalambika Swamy
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: MCA, K-SET, (PhD)
Year of Joining: 02/05/2023
Work Experience: 16 Years
Develop a unique development process, which use Microservice architecture and Devops Culture for extreme programming to execute large-scale and geographically distributed projects. Development becomes much faster, cost efficiency, loosely coupled, deployable across the globe.
- “Component Reusability in Extreme Programming Using Microservice Architecture “, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, ISSN: 0974-6846, Volume 15, issue 36, September 2022: 1808-1814.
- “A Study on Development of Software Applications Using Extreme Programming And Devops”, Inspira-Journal of Commerce, Economics & Computer Science (JCECS)(peer reviewed Referred journal), ISSN : 2395-7069, Impact Factor: 5.660, Volume 07, No. 04, Dec-2021, pp. 27-30
- Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, e-ISSN 1309-6591 “Extreme Programming for Execution of Large and Geographical Distributed Software Projects”, Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI)Volume 12, Issue 8, July 2021: 1488-1501.
- “A Framework for Architecture Refinement into Extreme Programming” International Journal of Computational Engineering Research (IJCER), ISSN-2250 -3005, Volume 8, Issue 8, August-2018
- “Component Based Software Architecture Refinement and Refactoring Method into Extreme Programming” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, ISSN-2278 -1021, Volume 5, Issue 12, December-2016.
- “Handling Big Data Issues in Mobile Networking and Computing Data”, International Journal of Advances Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, ISSN: 2277128X, Volume 5, Issue 8, August 2015.
- Authored book on Database Management System under Himalaya Publishing Private Limited, Edition Print Book ISBN: 978-93-5596-488-5, Year of Publication: 2022.
- Presented paper in 3rd International Conference on Recent Innovative Trends in Computer Science and Applications((ICRITCSA)-2022, Titled: “Development of Large and Distributed Software Applications using Extreme Programming: A Review of Literature”, held on 6th-7th May 2022, Organized by Department of Master of Computer Applications, RAMAIAH INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, BANGALORE, KARNATAKA, INDIA
- Presented paper in 9th Virtual INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONFERENCE Innovations & Challenges in Commerce, Management, Economics Education, Humanities, Applied & Social Sciences (ICCMEEHASS-VIRTUAL 2021), Titled: “a study on development of software applications using extreme programming and devops”, held on OCTOBER 23-24, 2021, Organized by Inspira Research Association, Jaipur and Yeshwant Rao Chavan, Arts and Commerce College, Ambajogai, Beed, Aurangabad, Maharashtra India.
- Presented paper in International Conference on Advances in Science and Engineering-2017, Titled: “Components Based Architecture Refinement Method Into Extreme Programming”, held on 19/01/2017, at East West institute of technology, Bangalore.
- Presented paper in International Conference on Science and Technology for National Development-SMAC: An Emerging Tool-2016, Titled: “Challenges in Software Architecture Refinement”, Adarsh Institute of Management and Information Technology, Bangalore and Indian science Congress Association, Bangalore Chapter November 18 & 19, 2016.
- Participated in 7 days Online Workshop on “Art of Writing Research Papers and Thesis" from January 18-24, 2021 organized by Inspira Research Association, Jaipur.
- Participated in two days Workshop on” BITES Annual Convention 2018” from 23th – 24th November 2018, organized by Dept. of MCA, BMS College of Engineering, Bengaluru.
- Participated in three days’ Workshop on” Mobile Application” from 25th – 27th July 2018, organized by Dept. of MCA, RNSIT, Bengaluru.
- Participated in three days’ Workshop on” Selenium Software Test Automation” from 8th – 10th February 2018, organized by Dept. of MCA, Acharya Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.
- Participated in two days’ Workshop on” Python Programming For Data Science and IOT ” from 27th – 28th January 2017, organized by Dept. of MCA, RNSIIT ,Bangalore.
- Participated in one days Faculty Development program on “Research Process” held in Dept of MBA on 25th February, 2016 EWIT.
- Participated in Two days’ workshop on” Network Programming using NS-2” held in Dept of CSE on 5th & 6th Nov 2014 EWIT.
- Participated in four days Faculty Development Programme on” Micro Nano Technology in Small Satellites” from 19th – 22nd August 2013, at East West Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
- Participated in four days’ Workshop on” OOAD using UML and IBM Rational Software Architecture” from 03rd – 06th August 2011, organized by Dept. of MCA, East West Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
- R-Programming.
- Analysis and Design of Algorithms.
- Data Analysis & Machine Learning.
- Object Oriented Modeling and design.
- Advanced Operating System.
- Software Engineering.
- Data structure using C.
- Object-oriented Programming using C++.
- System Simulation and Modeling.
- Fundamental of Computer Organization.
- Java Programming Language.
- Languages C, C++, C#, Visual Basic, Java, Python, Ruby, Pearl, Ajax etc.
- Client-Side Scripting Vb Script, Java Script.
- Server-Side Scripting ASP, Servlet.
- DBMS & RDBMS MS Access, Oracle, SQL server, ADO.NET
- Member of BOE, Artificial Intelligence (UG)- Maharani Cluster University, Bangalore, 2022-23.
- Paper setter for MCA course of Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology (Autonomous), Bangalore.
- Awarded as Best project Guide- by jury member ICSTS-2019, for Project exhibition at East West Institute of Technology, may13-15, 2019.
- Email:
Department of Computer Science
Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce
Bangalore 560054, India - Office: 23600966