Name: Dr. Akshata G Athreya
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: Ph.D. Biotechnology
Year of Joining: 2022
Work Experience: 7 Years ( Company: 1-Year; Research Institute: 3-Years )
Synthesis and characterisation of nanomaterials for tackling multi-drug resistance (MDR) from clinical isolates.
Research Articles: 4
- Athreya, A.G., Shareef, M.I. and Gopinath, S.M., 2018. Antibacterial Activity of Silver Nanoparticles Isolated from Cow’s Milk, Hen’s Egg White and Lysozyme: A Comparative Study. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 44, pp 6231–6240
- Athreya, A.G., Shareef, M.I. and Gopinath,S.M.,2020 Silver nanoparticles from cow’s milk to combat multi drug resistant gram negative bacteria from clinical isolates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences,90, pp 863–871
- Athreya, A.G., Shareef, M.I. and Gopinath, S.M., 2021 Antibacterial Activity of Cow’s Milk Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized across Various pH against Clinically Isolated MDR Staphylococcus aureus. Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology Open Access,6(3): 000214, pp 1-10
- Akshatha G. Athreya and Mrinalini Menon,2016 Horse gram seed germination inhibition profiles in response to anti-mitotic compounds, International Journal of Science and Research, 5(3), pp·2069-2076
Field Book: 1
- Designed and Developed the field book on 'Threatened plants of Western Ghats- A Field Guide' along with desktop version of software
Interactive software CD’s for Bioresources: 4
- Database for Insect pests of India
- Database for Beneficial Insects of India
- Database on HAS (Herbal Authentication System for Drugs)
- Database on Birds of India
Molecular Biology, Metabolic engineering, Plant tissue culture, Immunology and Structural Biology
- Participated in the panel discussion on " Clinical Research- A highly rewarding & relevant career choice for medical, dental, pharmacy and Science graduates, 3rd Sept 2022, Apollo Clinical Research and Innovations
- 3rd edition of “International Conference of Contemporary Antimicrobial Research 2021”, Acharya Institute of Technology and Acharya & BM Reddy College of Pharmacy under the Society for Antimicrobial Research in collaboration with Biotech Hub, Assam University, December 2021. Presented paper on Antibacterial activity of cow’s milk silver nanoparticles synthesized across various pH against clinically isolated MDR Staphylococcus aureus.
- National Conference on “Emerging Multidisciplinary Trends in Biotechnology Engineering: A Future Perspective”-EMTBE 2019, Acharya Institute of Technology, Bangalore. Presented a paper titled ‘Antibacterial Activity of Cow’s Milk Silver Nanoparticles against MDR and Non MDR Pseudomonas aeruginosa - A Comparative study’-Athreya, A.G., Shareef, M.I. and Gopinath, S.M., 2019. Publication of Abstract of Paper in Conference Proceedings.
- National Seminar on New Trends in Biotechnology & 14th Conference of Society of Cytologists and Geneticists, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere ; Athreya, A.G., Shareef, M.I. and Gopinath, S.M., 2019. Presented a paper titled ‘Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) from Cow’s milk against Multi Drug Resistant (MDR) Staphylococcus aureus’. Publication of Abstract of Paper in Conference Proceedings.
- CUSAT-NUS Joint International Conference on Biotechnology and Neuroscience, CUSAT, Cochin-December 2016. Presented a poster on ‘Nanoparticles-A smart weapon to combat Multi-Drug Resistance’. Publication of Abstract of Poster-CUSBAN Conference proceedings.
- 4th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, SRM University in association with Shizuoka University, Japan and NCTU, Taiwan and GNS-New Zealand, ICONN-2017, Chennai, August 2017. Presented a poster on ‘Synthesis of silver nanoparticles from animal products and their antibacterial activity’. Publication of Abstract of Poster- Conference proceedings.
- National seminar on “Enzymes and Biocatalysis. The versatile actors: Current trends and future perspectives (NSEB 2012), Periyar University, Salem- January 2012 Presented a paper titled ‘Altered Pyruvate transaminase activity in horse gram seeds (Macrotyloma uniflorum) treated with antimitotic drugs.
- A National Symposium ‘BIOCADENCE’, K.L.E Society’s college of engineering and technology, Belgaum- March 2012. Presented poster on ‘Recent Advances in Biotechnology’.
- National conference on Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health Care-An Interface, Reva Institute of Science and Management: Presented a paper titled “Assessment of the efficacy of an herbal anti-mitotic drug HST-K, by the comparative estimation of its IC-50 against acid phosphatase using the seed germination assay”–November 2011. Abstract published in Souvenir.
- Presented a poster on “Altered enzyme profiles in germinating seeds of green gram (Phaseolus radiatus) and horse gram (Macrotyloma uniflorum) in response to the antimitotic compounds- February 2011. Abstract published in International Journal of Carcinogenesis. Abstract published in Souvenir
- National conference on Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health Care-An Interface, Reva Institute of Science and Management: Presented a poster on “Altered alkaline phosphatase profiles in germinating seeds of green gram and horse gram in response to antimitotic compounds”–November 2011. Abstract published in Souvenir.
- Biozenith 2010 –A National level intercollegiate bioscience symposium: Presented a paper on “Morphological and Biochemical investigations on an antimitotic drug isolated from Asteracantha longifolia nees. using seed germination as a model system”.
- National conference on molecular medicine and Nanobiotechnology, NIMHANS: Presented a poster on “Isolation, Screening and Characterisation of Microorganisms for the Synthesis of Nanoparticles”–October 2010
- International conference on Convergence of Science and Engineering in Education and Research- A Global Perspective in the New Millennium: presented a poster on “Morphological and Biochemical investigations on an anti-mitotic drug isolated from Asteracantha longifolia Nees. using seed germination as a model system” -ICSE, April 2010. Souvenir and book of abstracts (page: 289)
- Presented a paper on “Biosynthesis of Nanoparticles” in National Conference on Innovations and Emerging trends in Biotechnology-April 2009
- One day National Conference "Pharma Enclave 1.0" on Current Scenario and Innovation in Pharma Industry for Drug Discovery and Development", Kalinga University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Raipur, Chattisgarh-24th November 2022
- Panel discussion on "Clinical Research conducted by Apollo Clinical Research and Innovations- A highly rewarding & relevant career choice for medical, dental, pharmacy and Science graduates-3rd Sept 2022
- 107th Indian Science Congress, University of Agricultural Sciences, G.K.V.K, Bengaluru-3rd-7th January 2020
- Two-day workshop on Research Methodology for Doctoral Research, Cambridge University of Technology, Bengaluru-21st-22nd October 2016
- Workshop on 'Modelling Landscape Connectivity Using Circuit Theory', by Ms Charlotte Pavageau, ETH Zurich Switzerland, held at University of Agricultural Sciences, G.K.V.K, Bengaluru-6th February 2016
- As a delegate in the International Conference at 5th Bangalore Nano, The Lalit Ashok, Bangalore-5th-7th December2012
- National conference on Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health Care-An Interface, Reva Institute of Science and Management- 24th-25th November 2011
- Two day workshop on Research Methodologies and Latex, organized by e-learning center Mysore, held at SJBIT, Bangalore-9th-10th May 2011
- National conference on Molecular medicine and Nanobiotechnology, NIMHANS-13th-14th October 2010
- Biozenith 2010 –A National level intercollegiate Bioscience symposium, Dept. of Life Sciences, Reva Institute of Science and Management, Bengaluru-19th-20th March 2010
- One Day seminar on Biotechnology awareness, conducted by Foundation For Biotechnology Awareness and Education (FBAE), Yavanika, Bangalore-11th September 2007
- National Conference on Health Care Biotechnology, conducted by ICBio (Innovative Centre for Biosciences) Jain Tata Auditorium, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore-20th-21st April 2007
- National seminar on Biosafety Global Models in Research and Clinical Trials- M.S.R.IT, Bangalore-12th October 2006
- State level seminar on 'BT TRENDZ', The Oxford College of Engineering-16th September 2006
- 2nd Prize for paper presentation in 3rd edition of “International Conference of Contemporary Antimicrobial Research 2021, December 2021
- Best Paper Award in National Conference on “Emerging Multidisciplinary Trends in Biotechnology Engineering: A Future Perspective”-EMTBE 2019.
- 1st prize for paper presentation in National Seminar on New Trends in Biotechnology & 14th Conference of Society of Cytologists and Geneticists, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology-2019, Davangere.
- 2nd prize in film making on ‘Biotechnology- A Helping Hand' at National conference on Green Technologies ‘Fight Pollution’, Acharya Institute of Technology-April 2012.
- 1st prize for poster presentation at National Conference on Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health Care-An Interface, Reva Institute of Science and Management- November 2011.
- 1st prize for poster presentation in National conference on molecular medicine and Nanobiotechnology, NIMHANS, October2010
- Completed the CCE Proficiency program in Proteomics for Basic Science and Applied Research- IISC, August 2010
- Email: akshata_mb@msrcasc.edu.in
Department of Microbiology
M.S Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce
Bangalore - 560054, India - Office: 080-23608597