Name: Dr. Bhanupriya C.H
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: MSc Microbiology Andhra University
PhD Plant Biotechnology Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Year of Joining: 2022
Work Experience: 6-Years of Teaching Experience & 6-Years of Research Experience.
Sorghum bicolor L., a major forage crop, has been considered as a potential source of carbohydrate components to produce biofuel. However, presence of high lignin content in sorghum stem often appears as an impediment in chemical extractability of desired carbohydrate components for industrial use. To resolve the problem, an improved variety of S.bicolor was developed with reduced lignin through hpRNA induced RNA interference of 4 Coumarate: CoA ligase (4CL) gene involved in lignin biosynthetic pathway. The gene was isolated to construct the gene silencing cassette and transformed using Agrobacterium tumefaciens under controlled Plant tissue culture conditions. The putative transformants were analysed at the molecular level. The final output of this metabolic engineering methodology was for the developing less lignin sorghum varieties.
- Ch.Bhanupriya, Satarupa kar, S.K.Sen, A.Basu. (2012). Down-regulation of lignin biosynthetic pathway in Sorghum bicolor. Current Trends in Secondary Plant Metabolite Research, pp. 38. In: UGC-SAP National seminar, New Delhi.
- Ch.Bhanupriya, S.K.Sen, A.Basu. (2013). RNA-interference mediated down-regulation of 4-Coumarate CoA: ligase gene in Sorghum bicolor in order to reduce lignin content. Plant tissue culture and Biotechnology, pp. 120. In: National symposium on plant tissue culture and biotechnology for food and nutritional security. Mysore.
- Ch. Bhanupriya, Asitava Basu (2018). RNA-interference mediated metabolic engineered down-regulation of 4-Coumarate CoA: ligase gene in Sorghum bicolor in order to reduce lignin content, National research scholars meet, ACTREC, Navi Mumbai.
Molecular Biology, Metabolic engineering, Plant tissue culture, Immunology and Structural Biology
- Workshop of “Hands on training in MS based proteomics: Concepts, Data analysis and visualization” held at IIT Bombay on 15th – 21st November 2020 (National level).
- Conference “Trends in healthcare innovations in India” held at National academy of sciences ICMR – NIRRH on 29th Feb – 1st March 2020 (National level).
- Workshop of “Hands on training on molecular and immunological diagnostic techniques” held at Lady TATA memorial trust - NIRRH – KC College 10th – 12th July 2019 (National level).
- Oral presentation 14th National research scholars meet held at Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer, Navi Mumbai on 3rd – 4th December 2018.
- Poster presentation XXXIV Annual meeting of PTCAI Plant tissue culture association of India held at CFTRI Mysore on 11th – 13th March 2013.
- Oral presentation Current trends in secondary plant metabolite research University grant commission – Self assistantship programme, held at Jamia Hamdard University New Delhi on 19th – 20th March 2012.
- Faculty development programme "MANAGING ONLINE CLASSES AND CO-CREATING MOOCS 3.0 offered by TLC, Ramanujan College University of Delhi under the aegis of MHRD and PMMMNMTT for 2 weeks, secured “A” grade.
- Induction Programme for "Faculty in Universities/Colleges/Institutes of Higher Education" offered by TLC, Ramanujan College University of Delhi under the aegis of MHRD and PMMMNMTT, for a period of 4 weeks, secured “A+” grade.
- AICTE approved Faculty development program “An introduction to proteomics” conducted by SWAYAM-NPTEL IIT BOMBAY for a period of 8 weeks, secured ELITE certificate.
- AICTE approved Faculty development program “Functional genomics” conducted by SWAYAM-NPTEL IIT KANPUR for a period of 4 weeks, secured SILVER ELITE certificate.
- AICTE approved Faculty development program “Structural Biology” conducted by SWAYAM-NPTEL IIT Roorkee for a period of 12 weeks, secured SILVER ELITE certificate.
- AICTE approved Faculty development program “Introduction to Protein chemistry” conducted by SWAYAM-NPTEL IIT KHARAGPUR for a period of 12 weeks, secured ELITE certificate.
- AICTE approved Faculty development program “Experimental Biotechnology” conducted by SWAYAM-NPTEL IIT GUwWAHATI for a period of 12 weeks, secured ELITE certificate
- Qualified Junior research fellow at SRIC IIT Kharagpur, Project sponsored by NFCL Hyderabad.
- Awarded Senior research fellow sponsored by Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology.
- Qualified entrance examination for master’s in microbiology, conducted by Andhra University with a rank of 283.
- Awarded best outgoing student in Zoology, 3rd year B.Sc.
- Email: Bhanupriya_micro@msrcasc.edu.in
Department of Microbiology
M.S Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce
Bangalore - 560054, India - Office: 080-23608597