- Qualifications: M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed., Ph.D, NTT (AIECCE)
- Department: Department of Botany, Biotech & Applied Genetics
- Designation: Associate Professor
- Experience: 22 years
- Email: jayashree_biotech@msrcasc.edu.in
Academic Achievements
Publications - National & International Research Paper- Journals
- Tejavathi DH, Raveesha HR, Nijgunaiah R, Lakshmana AC, Madhusudhan RV and Jayashree DR (2017). Estimation of Primary Metabolites and Phenols in the seeds of five species of Calamus and their role on germination.IJBPAS, 5(1):
- Anubrata Paul and Jayashree DR (2014). Association of dual Mycorrhizal species with Leucasaspera enhances growth and total biomass, IJSR, vol 3 (6): 81-87. ISSN: 2319-7064. Impact factor: 3.358.
- Tejavathi DH and Jayashree DR (2013). Effect of AM fungal association on the growth performance of selected medicinal herbs, Indian Journal of Applied Research, vol 3(7): 12-15. Impact factor: 0.8215.
- Tejavathi DH and Jayashree DR (2013). Phytochemical Screening of selected medicinal herbs inoculated with AMF, IJBPAS, 2(11): 2090-2106.
Awards and recognitions
- In 2012, participated for oral presentation in International Conference on 4th International Conference on Medicinal and Herbal Products, titled: “Neutrachemical Screening of Mycorrhizal inoculated Medicinal Plants” and certified. ‘Best of the Session’held at John Hopkins University, Washington DC, USA.
- In 2013, participated & won “Best Poster Award” for Poster Presentation, National Conference on Plant Biology-Plants, People and Planet 24-27th September 2013. Dept. of Botany, Bangalore-University. “Modified Microkjeldhal Method: An innovative technique for Nitrogen DeterminationIn Medicinal Plants using Laboratory Brittle scraps”.
- Doctorate,Ph.D : Title of the Thesis : “Effect of Mycorrhizae on Growth and Yield of Selected Medicinal Plants”.Guided by Dr. D.H.Tejavathi, Department of Botany, Jnana-Bharathi Campus, Bangalore-University,Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
Projects Guidance -PG Students
- . Quantitative Analysis Of Protein In Pollen Grain Of Selective Flowers And Its Effect on Drosophila melanogaster
- Caffeine: An Alkaloid Used As a By-Product From Tea Wastes
- Phyto-Chemical Screening and Evaluation Of Anti-Oxidant And Anti-Bacterial Activity of Few Medicinal Plants
- Evaluation Of Anti-oxidant And Anti-Microbial Activity Of Few Medicinal Plants and Phyto-Chemical Screening
- Phytochemical Screening Of Dual Inoculums ArbuscularMycorrhizal Fungi In Leucas aspera
- Nutrient Contents And Physico-Chemical Analysis In Co-Inoculated Am Fungi, Medicinal Herb: LeucasAspera
- Phytochemical, chemo profiling and antimicrobial evaluation ofKaempferia galangal L.and development of oral hygeine product.
- Isolation and charcterisation of compost – tea microbes: Role in enhancing resistance to“Blastdisease in rice”.
- Lectin In Pulses: Its positive and negative effects.
- A biotechnological approach on biosynthesis and characterisation of anti -tumour agent from L –asparaginase
- Anti-Nutrients and Toxins From Pulses
- Effect of mutation on microbes for the degradation of anthracene
- Induction of mutagenesis and evolution of microalgae for biomass and lipid content
- Isolation, production and purification of β- galactosidase enzyme from bacterial sources
- Effect of Cannabis sativa seeds in treating Alzheimer’s disease on Zebrafish.
- Enhance the degradation of phorate from microbes using induced stress and its analysis using HPLC.
- .Effect of Stress on Alkaliphiles for theDegradation of Vat Dye
- Production And Purification Of Peptide Antibiotics From Soil Microbes
- Isolation, Cloning And Overexpression Of Eco RI From Eco RY1
- Isolation purification and characterization of anticaogulase enzymes from soil microbes
- Optimization of mycorrhizal production using different solid substrates and host plants.
- Isolation and extraction of protein from Moringaoliefera and its microbialactivity.
- Identification of environmental factors for productionof exopolysaccharides by rhizobium tropic i”
- In 2019, participated with students for oral presentation on “
- In 2015, participated for poster presentation on “Production of Biodesel from waste cooking oil- An initiative for a safe and healthy environment”. During the National seminar on Science and Technology for Human Development , held at KristuJayanti College, Bangalore.
- In 2015, participated for Oral Presentation on “Effect of Arbuscularmycorrhizal symbiosis on biosynthesis of active ingredients in selected Medicinal plants” held atOMICS International, proceedings of 7thasia Pacific Biotech Conference, Double Tree by Hilton, Beijing, China.
- In 2014, participated for oral presentatiion on “Plant - microbe interaction to increase nutrient uptake in medicinal plants inoculated with mycorrhizae” XII conference of Society of Cytologist and Geneticists and National symposium on Challenges for Biologists in 21st Century, held at Department of Botany, Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
- In 2013, participated & won “Best Poster Award” for Poster Presentation, National Conference on Plant Biology-Plants, People and Planet 24-27th September 2013. Dept. of Botany, Bangalore-University. “Modified Microkjeldhal Method: An innovative technique for Nitrogen DeterminationIn Medicinal Plants using Laboratory Brittle scraps.”
- In 2013, participated for oral presentation on “Association of dual mycorrhizal species with Leucasaspera enhances growth and total biomass” held at 10th National Symposium on Soil Biology and Ecology, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore.
- In 2013, participated for poster presentation on “Nutrient contents and physico-chemical analysis in co-inoculated AM fungi, Medicinal Herb: Leucasaspera” held at 10th National Symposium on Soil Biology and Ecology, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore.
- In 2012, participated for oral presentation in National Conference on ‘Recent Advances in Health, Agriculture and Environmental Biotechnology’ and presented oral paper titled ”Biochemical Screening of Selected Medicinal Plants inoculated with ArbuscularMycorrhizalFungi”held at MSRIT, Bangalore.
- In 2012, participated in the National Science Day 2012 celebrations to commemorate 125th Birth Anniversary of Sri. SrinivasaRamanujan and International Year for Sustainable Energy for all- 2012 , organized by MSRCASC, Bangalore.
- In 2012, participated for oral presentation in International Conference on 4th International Conference on Medicinal and Herbal Products, titled: “Neutrachemical Screening of Mycorrhizal inoculated Medicinal Plants” and certified ‘ Best of the Session’ held at John Hopkins University, Washington DC, USA.
- In 2009, participated in the National Conference on” Medicinal Biotechnology and Clinical Research” held at J.N.TATA Auditorium, IISc.Campus, Bangalore. jointly organised by MSRIT and MVIT.
- In 2009, participated and presented an oral presentation at International Conference titled:”Association Of Arbuscular Mycorrhizae in Medicinal Plants”, in the 4th Global Summit on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants held at Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.
- In 2020, participated in webinar ”Managing your Finances and Investments during Covid-19”, on 28th May 2020, in collaboration with Dept. of Commerce, RCASC and Fin mark Trainers India Pvt. Ltd.
- In 2020, participated in” Spit-free India Movement” organized by Narayana Health, NSS, during Jun-Aug 2020, to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
- In 2020, participated in two days National E-Conference on ‘Multidisciplinary Science Education & Research using E-tool(MSERE-2020), held on 29th& 30th July 2020, organized by Department of Electronics and IQAC, RCASC, Bengaluru-54.
- In 2020, participated webinar on “Drug Discovery-Probable Approaches to Combat Covid -19”, organized by department of Zoology, St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous) on 7th August 2020.
- In 2020, participated in International Webinar on “Recent trends and Challenges in Neuroimmunology”, organized by PG department of Studies in Biochemistry, Karnataka University, Dharwad, from 10th August to 13th August 2020.
- In 2020, participated in national webinar on “Honey-Bee products in Boosting Immunity against Diseases”. Conducted jointly by Department of Botany, Zoology & Biotechnology, GFGC, Kolar held on 27th August 2020.
- In2020, participated in 5 day International webinar on “Advances in biological neural networks for faculty of Life Sciences” held from July 28thAugust 1st 2020, organized by Department of Biotechnology/Genetics, RCASC, Bengaluru-54.
- In 2020, participated and presented oral presented on “A Green Approach for Sustainable Future”, won the prize in Virtual International Conferences on “Recent advances in Chemical in Biological Sciences” (VIRACBS-2020) organized by Dept. of Chemistry, Biotechnology & Chemical Engineering from 7thto 9th December 2020.
- In 2020, was recognized & appreciated for active participation in the Five days Faculty Development Program (FDP -Virtual ) on Trends in Computational Biology, Organized by The Indian Institute of Engineers (IEI) student chapter (BT, SCE) &Shristi BT forum conducted from 9th to 13th DEC 2020, at Sapthagiri College of Engineering.
- In 2019, participated & presented Oral presentations on “Restoration of Non-Conventional Weeds: A Boon or a Curse”& “Stress-Induced Enhancement of Phorate Degradation by Staphylococcus species: Analysis by HPLC” at National Seminaron “New Trends in Biotechnology”, 14th Conference of Society of Cytologists & Geneticists & Bio Entrepreneurship Summit” held at the Department of Biotechnology & Research Centre, Bapuji Institute of Engineering & Technology, Davangere during 6th to 8th march 2019.
- In 2019, participated in the FDP in “2D & #D Models of Cell Culture & their Applications” jointly organized by department of Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering, RIT, Bengaluru, Reagene Biosciences Pvt. Ltd. &HiMedia Labs Pvt. Ltd., under IEEE EMB from 17th to 22nd 2019.
- In 2019, attended Science Academies’ Lecture Workshop on “Nanomaterials – Applications in Biotechnology” organized by Department of Biotechnology, RIT, Bengaluru & sponsored by Indian Academy of sciences, Indian national Science Academy, The National Academy of Sciences India, from 29-30 August 2019.
- In 2019, attended One day FDP on “E-Resource & digital content” held on September 21, 2019, conducted by department of Library & information Centre in association with Internal quality Assurance Cell (IQAC).
- In 2019 participated as delegate & presented a poster paper in the 1st International conference on Life, Chemical, & Health Sciences (ICLCHS) from 24th to 26th October, 2019, organized by Department of Life Sciences, RCASC in collaboration with KSTA, Department of IT, BT & science & Technology, GOK.
- In 2019, certificate of Appreciation from Campus 2 Community for volunteering & active participation in the “School Bell”campaign for strengthening learning atmosphere of Government schools from 21st to22nd October2019 at Thumbenahalli village, Ramnagara taluk, Bengaluru.
- In 2019, participated in the International Workshop on Borderless Biology: From Basics to Business organized by Division of Biochemistry, School of Life Sciences, JSS, AHER,Mysuru held
- at JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research, Mysuru from 18th to 20th December, 2019.
- In 2018,participated in Indian Science Academies Sponsored Lecture Workshop on “RECENT TRENDS IN CANCER BIOLOGY” held on 20-21 February, organized by Ramaiah College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Bangalore, Karnataka.
- In 2018, attended a workshop on “Hands On Training In HPLC” organized by Reva University, Bengaluru on 20th& 21st of April.
- In 2017, Co-ordinated & conducted workshop for Under Graduates student Hands on training in “Plant Tissue Culture” organized at Department of Biotechnology, Ramaiah college of Arts, Science & Commerce, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
- In 2017, participated in a Three day FDP on “Meditation for Work-Life Balance” organized by the Department of English, Ramaiah College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Bangalore, Karnataka.
- In 2017, conductedatwo day“Faculty Development Programmme” on “Applications of MS Excel in Academics and Research”organized at Department of Biotechnology, Ramaiah college of Arts, Science & Commerce, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
- In 2015, participated in workshop on Human cytogenetics and Karyotyping”, organized by Department of Biotechnology/Applied Genetics, MSRCASC, Bangalore in collaboration with M.S.Ramaiah Medical college.
- In 2015, participated in workshop on “Effect of Arbuscularmycorrhizal symbiosis on biosynthesis of active ingredients in selected Medicinal plants” held atOMICS International, proceedings of 7thasia Pacific Biotech Conference, Double Tree by Hilton, Beijing, China.
- In 2009, participated in workshop on “Human cytogenetics and Karyotyping” organized by Department of Biotechnology/Botany/Applied ;Genetics, MSRCASC, Bangalore in collaboration with M.S.Ramaiah Medical college.
- In 2007, participated in the workshop on VI SemesterB.Sc., syllabus in Botany for College Teachers held in the Department of Botany,JnanaBharathi Campus, Bangalore-University, Bangalore.
- In 2006, participated in the workshop on V Semester B.Sc., syllabus in Botany for College Teachers held at Department of Botany,JnanaBharathi Campus, Bangalore-University, Bangalore.
- In the year 2002 participated in workshop on “Biotechnology Awareness on Bioterrorism” conducted at SSMRV college Auditorium, Jayanagar, Bangalore organized by the ‘Foundation for Biotechnology Awareness and Education’.
- In 2016, asorganizing Secretary conducted symposium on’ Health & Safety’ BIOBLOOMS -2016 “Trends on Anti-nutritional Factors for Sustainable Health”.
- In 2010, attended “Faculty Development Programme/Inhouse Symposium” conducted by MSRCASC in collaboration with MSRINER (M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Nursing Education and Research).
- In 2009, attended a symposium on “Biotechnology for Modern Medicine” at PESIT,organised by Department of Biotechnology, PESIT, Bangalore.
- In 2008, participated in Technical Symposium on “Recent Advanced in Medicinal Biotechnology,organized by Department of Biotechnololgy, MSRIT Auditorium,Bangalore.
- In year 2007, participated in a symposium BIOBLOOMS 2007 on “Biology and the Environment”held at MSRIT organized by MSRCASC, Bangalore.
- In 2008, attended National Seminar on Instructional Designs held at M.S.Ramaiah college of Education, organized by M.S.Ramaiah college of Education, Bangalore.
Training Programs
- In 2007, attended a Field Training for two days to understand the Dynamics of Ecosystem in Bio-Diversity Park, Jnanabharathi Campus, Bangalore.
- In year 2006, under took two weeks, Training Programme in” Recombinant DNA Technology”,atShreedhar Bhat’s laboratory, Banashanki, Bangalore.
- In the year 2004, participated in the Training “Programme On Students Mental Health and Neuro Sciences”, Bangalore.
- In the year 2003, undergone short duration (10days) training on Horticulture at Horticulture Training Centre, Department of Horticulture, Lalbagh, Bangalore.
- In 1990 completed Camel Crylin” Beginner’s Course Training in B+ grade”, organized by Camel Crylin Fabric colors, Bombay.
- In 1989, attended one-week training course in Domestic Preservation of Fruits, Vegetables and Nutrition conducted at the Food and Nutrition Extension Centre, Bangalore, organized by Government of India, Ministry of Food and Civil Supplies, Department of Food, Food and Nutrition Board.
As a Resource Person...
- In 2016- Demonstrated “AM fungi- root colonization, spore isolation and cultivation” – a Biofertilizer, at Mount Carmel college, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
- In 2015- Demonstrated “Mushroom cultivation” at KLE College, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
Other Academic Activities
- Worked as a Proctor for IPUC 2000-2002 UG-Proctor from2002-2009. Chief Proctor for both UG and PG sections from 2009-2010and 2010-2011.
- In 2009, underwent an Experiential Learning Techniques Programme” Bridging the Gap”, held at ‘Break Through’, Bangalore.
- From 2009, member for Youth Red Cross Wing at MSRCASC.
- In 2010, member of Cultural committee.
- In 2011, worked as an incharge to conduct Drawing, Sketching and Painting Competition for National Science Day and also for Women,s Day.
- In 2011, participated at ‘Teacher’s Trove’ -2011,in the panel at discussion on “Best practices in Educational Institution”,conducted by Garden city College and won second Prize in the event ‘Ethnic Wear’ and First Prize in the event ‘Group Dance’, Bangalore, supported by Department of Collegiate Education, Government of Karnataka.
- In 2012 Sport Committee Member, MSRCASC.
- In 2012, Chaired the Technical session of “INDIAN HOLISTIC MEDICAL ACADEMY, held at BharathiVidyaBhavan, 15th September, Bangalore
- In 2013-2015 Convener for UG &PG Internals and Exams.
- In 2014, Convener for Value Added Course on “Dietary Health Fitness” programme for PG students held on 6th March at Dept. of Biotechnology, MSRCASC, Bangalore.
- In 2014, Convener for Value Added Course on “Stress Buster” program for students and staffs(Painting class workshop) held from 15th to 21th March at Dept. of Biotechnology, MSRCASC, Bangalore.
- In 2014, as a faculty for Value Based Program, taught One-way ANNOVA, MSTAT Program for PG –Biotechnology students.
- In 2015, Converner for Post graduation course, conduction of Internal tests & examinations.
- In 2016 -2017 – Convener for Research Committee Constitution (conducting symposium/ seminars/Conferences). Member for magazine committee. Cordinator for myGurukul (Post graduation coordinator for updating attendance, internals and other academic aspects of teachers & students, through software programmings). Convernor for Post graduation course for conduction of Internal tests & examinations.
- In 2017, Organizing Secretary for conducting &co-ordinating National Science Day on “HEALTH & POLLUTION: A CURRENT SCENARIO”; held at Ramaiah College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
- In 2017, Convener, for Under graduates Open Electives, Enironment& Public Health , Science &Soceity.
- In 2017, Co-ordinated & conducted Hands on training in “Plant Tissue Culture” for Under Graduates students organized on 2nd& 3rd of September 2017 at Department of Biotechnology, Ramaiah College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Bengaluru.
- In 2017, Convenor, conducted a two day “Faculty Development Programme” on 28& 29th November. Theme: “Applications of MS Excel In Academics & Research” organized by the Department of Biotechnology, Ramaiah College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Bengaluru.
- In 2017, Organizing secretary for conducting &co-ordinating National Science Day on “Health & Pollution: A Current Scenario”, held at Ramaiah College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
- In 2017- 2018 Convenor for Under graduates Open Electives: Environment & Public Health, Science & Society.
- In 2018 Convenor to organize an awareness programme on account of Water Day-2018, Theme: “Save Water To Save Earth”, dated,22nd March for all the UG & PG students, organized from Department of Biotechnology/Genetics.
- In 2018, Convenor for National Science Day conducted on 12th March. Theme: “Science & Technology for Sustainable Future” in joint collaboration with Ramaiah college of Arts, Science & Commerce and Karnataka Science & Technology Academy, Department of Science & Technology, Government of Karnataka.
- In 2018, Convenor for organizing Neighbourhood Awareness ProgrammeonThursday 5th April: Household/Neighbourhood waste mechanism & adapting water-harvesting technology, for students of various degree courses. A field trip to Yeswanthpura village, Malur, Kolar district, for survey on sustainability energies & environmental studies.
- In 2018, organized Environmental awareness Programme:“Neighbourhood Awareness”5thAprilonThursday. Theme: Household/Neighbourhood waste mechanism & adapting water-harvesting technology, survey & sustainability.
- In 2018, Environment awareness :Students of UG course of all the branches were taken for a field trip to Thalakadu, Mysore district, to study nature & its environment in & around Thalakadu forest, different ecological succession, ecosystems of flora & fauna. In 2018 certified as life Member of “Swadeshi vijnanaAndolana-Karnataka”, membership No: SWAK-0883/LM-BCRU, Dated: 28/8/2018, Bangalore.
- In 2018 certified as life Member of “Swadeshi vijnanaAndolana-Karnataka”, membership No: SWAK-0883/LM-BCRU, Dated: 28/8/2018, Bangalore.
- In 2018 completed the Industrial training Programme in Animal Cell Culture from 3rd September to 7th September 2018 at Genelon Institute of Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru-560064. Ref No: GILSOCOE06.
- In 2018 participated one day FDP on “Effective Pedagogical Techniques for Today’s Google Era” held on 04/09/2018 at RCASC, Bengaluru.
- Work Module: To Frame Time-Table, conduct Internals & Preparatory exams,maintain attendance & internals in a file. Engage concerned teachers to conduct classes from their specialized subjects (Science & Society). In 2018 AECC-Environmental Science, classes & academics was maintained by the convenor. Field trip &Neighbour hood awareness to encourage Environmental Awareness Programs were arranged.
- 2019,coordinator for celebrating National Science Day on 28nd February - Ramaiah College of Arts, Science & Commerce &SwadeshiVijganaAndolana – Karnataka,.Theme: "Science for the People & the People for Science.
- 2019, organized Environmental awareness Programme:World Water Day-2018, Theme: “Save Water To Save Earth”, dated,22nd March
- 2019, organized Valued based programme on “Convention Technique of Wine Production: Natural fruits & herbs.For post-graduate student of Life sciences & Management. Here the students were trained forenterpeurnership, on skill developments, held from 29th April to 30th May 2019.
- 2019,Environmental awareness Programme: 22nd May , KSTA, organized competition on Photography & written Quiz on World International Day of Biodiversity, held at KSTA auditorium GKVK campus, Agricultural Sciences. Students of UG & PG of various branch actively participated in the competition. Sang the ‘Nada-Geethay’&won five prizes (cash prize), a prestigious honor to the college.
- 2019, Environmental awareness Programme: 5th June, World Environmental Day was celebrated by planting many floras in our campus garden &was nourished by watering so as an oath to grow more greens in our environment. All staffs, teaching, non-teaching, students were ensured the responsibility to maintain &protect our environment to an healthy course, teach the same to our neighborhood, with key-notes of greens & its importance’s for our future saplings, necessary to save & decrease ‘Thermo of Earth’.