- Qualification: MSc, MPhil, PhD, K-SET
- Department: Department of Microbiology
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Year of Experience: 19 Years
Academic Achievements
- VGST- SPiCE projects were selected for the year 2011 and 2013 with sponsorship of Rs.30,000 each time
- Guided various in house projects
Publications – Journal/ Conferences/ Seminar/ Others
Seminars / Conferences / Work Shops / Training Programs Attended
- Workshop on DNA Finger printing Technology, Molecular Markers and Bioinformatics organized by Karnataka Science and Technology Academy- 2014
Technical Knowledge Acquired
- Microbiological Techniques: Isolation, purification and cultivation of Bacteria , Fungi and Algae. Preservation of master cultures for practical and projects.
- Physiology and Biochemistry: Quantitative and Qualitative Estimation of Sugars, Proteins, Lipids, RNA, DNA.
- Molecular Techniques: DNA Isolation, PCR, Transformation, Recombination, Conjugation, Restriction digestion, Ligation, Electrophoresis.
Awards and Recognitions
- Appointed as a BOE , Chairman in UG Microbiology for the year 2013-14, Bangalore University