Name: Dr. Pushpa H
Designation: Professor and Vice Principal
Qualification: MSc- MPhil, PhD
Year of Joining: 1999
Work Experience: 24 Years
Subject Specialization: Mycology, Biodiversity, Bioremediation, Molecular taxonomy, Bioprospecting
Research articles Published in Journals
- Mamta Verma, Kriti Verma, Pushpa.H, Seema Dubey, Sundarajan, (2021). Stastical Analysis and Effect of Primary Nutrient (N,P,K) in Coal Ash Admixed Wasteland Soil through Vesicular–Arbuscular Mycorrhizae Invation. Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 2021; 8(5): 6816-6824
- Pushpa.H, Swetha.P, Vishal.M, and Vidhyashree (2020). Biological control of Fusarium wilt of Cajanus cajan, Bioscience, Biotechnology Research Communications, 13(4): 2118-2124
- Pushpa H, Kavya S, Pooja K, Sneha L and Varsha O Arer (2018). Isolation, identification and diversity of endophytic fungi from Catharanthus roseus and screening for their L-asparaginase activity. International Journal of Environment, Ecology, Family and Urban Studies 8(6): 7-18.
- Pushpa Hanumanthaiah, Haobam Priyata, Khwairakpam Nomita Devi, Nani Onya, Vijayalakshmi Ashangbam. (2016). Isolation and screening of Lovastatin (HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor) from edible wild mushrooms. Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology 6 (3): 190–196
- Pushpa H, Ramya Shree N, Shibani P. Shetty and Ramesh DH. (2015). Screening of Antimicrobial, Antioxidant and Anticancer Activity of Ruta graveolens. Advances in Biological Research 9 (4): 257-264.
- Akshatha.G.M, B.G.Jagadeesha Kumar, Pushpa H. (2015) Effect of Corrosion Inhibitors in Reinforced Concrete International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,Engineering and Technology, 4(8) : 6794-6801.
- Pushpa.H, Mamatha. M.B, Kamalesh.D, Sujini Naidu and Ranjith.C. (2014). Bio-Ethanol production from the pods of Samanea saman (Jacquin) Merrill - (Rain tree). International Review of Applied Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 2(1):169-178.
- Pushpa.H, Anand.M, Kashimaiah.P and Penugonda.J.V.Pradeep. (2014). Antioxidant and anticancer activity of Tricholoma giganteum Massee an edible wild mushroom. Academic Journal of Cancer research, 7(2):146-151.
- H. Chandrashekar.H, K.V.Lokesh, H.Pushpa, G.Ranganna (2014). Studies on Assessment of Tropic status of Lakes. International Journal of current Microbiology and applied sciences, 3(6): 245-254.
- Pushpa.H, Anand.M, Kashimaiah.P and Penugonda.J.V.Pradeep. (2014). Ganoderma applanatum (Persoon) Patouillard as a source of anticancer and antioxidant agent. International Journal of Pharma and Biosciences. 5(2): (B) 276-282
- Pushpa.H, Anand.M, Kashimaiah.P and Penugonda.J.V.Pradeep. (2013). Evaluation of antimicrobial activity of some of the selected Basidiomycetous fungi. International Journal of Pharma and Biosciences. 4(4): (B) 964-971.
- Pushpa.H and Purushothama K.B. (2013). Psathyrella candolleana var. indica a new variety from Karnataka state, India. International Journal of Biological Research. 1(1): 1-7.
- Jagadeesha Kumar B G, R Prabhakara, Pushpa H. (2013). Effect of Bacterial Calcite Precipitation on Compressive Strength of Mortar Cubes. 2 (3). 486-491.
- Jagadeesha Kumar B G, R Prabhakara, Pushpa H. (2013). Biomineralisation of Calcium Carbonate by different bacterial strains and their application in concrete crack remediation. International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, 6(1); 202-213
- Pushpa H, Purushothama K.B, Ramesh Thirumalesh.DH.(2012). Taxonomy and Molecular characterization of Tricholoma giganteum and Calocybe indica isolates for Bangalore. Journal of Biochemical Technology. 3(5):228-231.
- Pushpa, H., and Purushothama, K.B. (2012). Biodiversity of Mushrooms in and around Bangalore, Karnataka, India. American Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environment Sciences, 12(6):75-79
- Pushpa.H., and Purushothama, K.B. (2011). Leucocoprinus (Pat.) (Agaricaceae, Agaricales, Basidiomycota) in Bengaluru, Karnataka State, India. World Journal of Applied Sciences 14(3): 470-475.
- Pushpa.H, .Purushothama K.B. (2010). Nutritional Analysis of cultivated and wild edible medicinal mushrooms. World Journal of Dairy and Food Sciences, 5(2):140-144.
- Pushpa.H, Purushothama K.B. (2010). Antimicrobial activity of Lyophyllum decastes an edible wild mushroom, World Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 6(5): 506-509.
Gene Sequences registration in NCBI Gen bank:
- Pushpa,H., Saritha,M., Akankasha,P., Arnob,R. (2016). Production of Pigment form Epicoccum sorghinum.GenBank:KX289695.1 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/KX289695
- Pushpa,H., Swetha,P., Vishal Madan Mohan,S.M., Vidhyashree Ningaraju,M. (2016). Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae as biocontrol agent. GenBank: KX289694.1 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/KX289694
- Jagadeesha Kumar B G, R Prabhakara, Pushpa H. (2013). Bacillus flexus from India 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence NCBI GenBank: JX627772. http://www/ncbi.nih.gov/nuccoe/JX627772.1
- Pushpa.H, Purushothama.K.B and Ramesh.T.D.H.(2012). Calocybe indica isolate Bengaluru, Internal transcribed spacers 1, 5.8 ribosomal RNA gene, Internal transcribed spacer 2 and 28s ribosomal RNA gene, region. Accession No. JN874408. : http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/JN874408.1.
- Pushpa.H, and Purushothama.K.B. (2011). Tricholoma giganteum Internal transcribed spacers 1, 5.8 ribosomal RNA gene, Internal transcribed spacer 2 complete sequence and 28s ribosomal RNA gene partial sequence. Accession No. JN006792.1: http://www.ncbi.nih.gov/nuccore/JN006792.1
- Pushpa.H, and Purushothama.K.B. (2011). Tricholoma giganteum Internal transcribed spacers 1, 5.8 ribosomal RNA gene, Internal transcribed spacer 2 complete sequence and 28s ribosomal RNA gene partial sequence. Accession No. JN192443.1: http://www/ncbi.nih.gov/nuccoe/JN192443.1
Publications in Proceedings:
- Jagadeesha Kumar BG and Pushpa H (2018) Bacterial concrete for consolidation and strengthening of porous material. In 3rd international conference on Recent Advances in Engineering Sciences. Organized by Ramaiah Institute of Technology on 26th and 27th September 2018.
- Jagadeesha kumar B.G, Pushpa.H, Prabhakara.R. (2014). Eco-Bricks by Microbial Mineral Precipitation. International conference on recent advances in engineering sciences, 4-5 September 2014; 33.
- Chandrashekar.H, Lokesh.K.V, Joythi Roopa, Pushpa.H and Ranganna.G. (2014). Integrated studies on urban catchment management for restoration of water bodies. Indian Water works Association 46th Annual Convention; 159-167.
- Jagadeesha kumar B.G, Pushpa.H, Monica Swamy, Jayalakshmi.P, Pavan Kumar, Prabhakara.R. (2013). Sand stabilization by microbial calcite precipitation. Proceedings of two days National conference on Innovations and Challenges in Civil Engineering. 2013.
- Jagadeesha Kumar B G, R Prabhakara, Pushpa H. (2013). Microbiologically induced crack remediation-A review. Proceedings of International Conference on Bioenergy, Environment and Sustainable Technology. 41-42.
Sl No | Year | Project Title | Funding Agency |
1 | 2015-2017 | Biological control of Leucocoprinus in the organic growing media | RHP, Netherlands |
2 | 2019-2020 | Isolation and Screening of potential Microalgae for prospective Biodiesel Production and studies on mutagenesis and screening of Chlorella sp. and Scenedesmus sp. mutants for high temperature and Carbon-di-oxide concentration tolerance for utilization of CO2 in flue gases | KSCST, Government of Karnataka |
- Pushpa.H, Saritha M, Akanksha Pandey, Arnob Roy (2019). Optimization of Pigment Production from E.sorginum in submerged fermentation conditions. National conference on Innovation in Life Sciences for sustainable Environment. Organized by Christ University on 20th and 21st February 2019.
- Pushpa. H, P. Swetha, Vishal Madhan Mohana Sharma and M. Vidhyashree . (2016). Biological control of Fusarium wilt of Cajanus cajan(L.) Millsp. (Pigeon pea). At National conference on ‘Science and Technology for National Development – Health, Environment and Agriculture’ - Health, Environment and Agriculture’ (NCST-ND 2016) from 5th – 7th October, 2016, organized by Jain University in association with The Indian Science Congress Association Bengaluru Chapter.
- Pushpa Hanumanthaiah, Haobam Priyata, Khwairakpam Nomita Devi, Nani Onya, Vijayalakshmi Ashangbam. (2015). Isolation and screening of Lovastatin (HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor) from filamentous fungi and from some of the edible mushrooms. At UGC sponsored two days National conference on Enzyme Research in Agriculture, Food and Industrial Biotechnology organized by Maharani’s College of Science on 12th and 13th March 2014.
- Pushpa H, Anand M, Kashimaiah, Penugonda Pradeep, Purushothama K.B, (2014). Tricholoma giganteum Massee. as a source of Antibacterial, Antioxidant and Anticancer agent. Bioneers-2014.
- Jagadeesha Kumar. B.G, Prabhakara.R, Pushpa.H. (2013). Isolation and characterization of calcite precipitating microorganisms and study of their role in concrete crack healing. Oral presentation in 11th National conference of Indian Association of Applied Microbiologists on Recent Developments in Microbiology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology on 29th and 30th November 2013, organized by PSG College of Arts, Science and commerce, Coimbatore.
- Pushpa.H and Purushothama.K.B (2013). Biodiversity and Taxonomic studies of Basidiomycetous Fungi in and around Bangalore Poster presentation at National seminar on Current Perspectives of Fungi in Health Care and Environment (KAVAASTHA) and 39th Annual Meeting of Mycological Society of India 13th and 14th March, 2013 Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Bangalore University, Bangalore.
- Pushpa H, Anand M, Kashimaiah, Penugonda Pradeep, Purushothama K.B (2013) Evaluation of antimicrobial, antioxidant and anticancer activities of wild mushrooms oral presentation National seminar on Current Perspectives of Fungi in Health Care and Environment (KAVAASTHA) and 39th Annual Meeting of Mycological Society of India 13th and 14th March, 2013 Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Bangalore University, Bangalore
- Pushpa.H and Purushothama.K.B (2012). Taxonomic studies and molecular characterization of Tricholoma giganteum and Calocybe indica from Bangalore. At Eleventh all India Conference on Cytology and Genetics organized by Society of Cytologists and Geneticists, India at Bangalore University on January 23-25, 2012.
- Pushpa.H and Purushothama.K.B (2012). Molecular characterization of Tricholoma giganteum and Calocybe indica isolates from Bangalore. National Conference on Recent Advances in Health, Agriculture and Environmental Biotechnology, organized by Biotechnology Department, MSRIT, Bangalore on 11th -13th April, 2012.
- Pushpa.H and Purushothama K.B (2012). Biodiversity of Mushrooms in and around Bangalore. National Conference on Recent Advances in Health, Agriculture and Environmental Biotechnology, organized b Biotechnology Department, MSRIT, Bangalore on 11th -13th April, 2012.
- Pushpa.H and Purushothama.K.B.(2010). Antimicrobial activity of Russula delica an edible wild mushroom. At Dr.Norman E.Borlaung commemoration National conference on Plant Diversity and Plant health. Organized by Department of studies in Botany University of Mysore on 11th and 12th March 2010.
- Pushpa.H. (2019) Screening for Pigment Producing microorganism with special reference to E. sorginum at international conference on sustainable agriculture, forestry and environmental management on 27th-29th November 2019 organized by V.Sivaram Research Foundation and Bai Shi Yin Organization, at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Pushpa.H, Saritha M, Akanksha Pandey, Arnob Roy and Swetha P (2018) Epicoccum sorghinum as a potential source for pigment production. In 3rd international conference on Recent Advances in Engineering Sciences. Organized by Ramaiah Institute of Technology on 26th and 27th September 2018.
- Pushpa H, Kavya S, Pooja K, Sneha L and Varsha O Arer (2018). Isolation, identification and diversity of endophytic fungi from Catharanthus roseus and screening for their L-asparaginase activity. In an international conference on medicinal plants and drug discovery, organized by Society of conservation and resource development of medicinal plants, New Delhi, India and V.Sivaram Research foundation on 18th -20th July 2018.
- Pushpa.H, Mamatha. M.B, Kamalesh.D, Sujini Naidu and Ranjith.C. (2014). Bio-Ethanol production from the pods of Samanea saman (Jacquin) Merrill - (Rain tree). International conference on Recent Advances in Engineering Sciences. On 4-5 September organized by MSRIT.
- Received Best Paper Presentation Award in Eurasian Conference on Science, Engineering and Technological innovation organized by kryvyi Rih National University, Ukraine on 20th and 21st November 2021.
- Received Most Fabulous Professor Award by World HRD Congress-2020 on 15th February 2020.
- Received Best Paper Presentation Award in the National conference on Phytochemicals and Microbial Active compounds, Role in Agriculture and Human Welfare, Organized by Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Bangalore University on 3rd and 4th October 2019.
- Received Emerging Leader Award in the field of science during Higher Education Leader ship award and meet on 5nd January 2019 from Venus International Foundation
- Received Letter of Appreciation for the project done in association with RHP from Hein Boon, Director of RHP, Netherlands on 18th July 2017.
- Email: pushpa_microbio@msrcasc.edu.in
Department of Microbiology
M.S Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce
Bangalore - 560054, India - Office: 080-23608597