Name: K. Ravindranath
Designation: Associate Professor & Head of the Department
Qualification: M.Sc , M.Phil , B.Ed , (Ph.D)
Year of Joining: 1999
Work Experience: 25 Years
Subject Specialisation: Mathematics
To study the diffusion of concentration of air pollution in the mixed layer above the ground level which is emitted from different sources. The physical phenomina is converted mathematical form as partial differential equation and its solution gives the concentration of air pollutants.
K.Ravindranath, K.Lakshminarayanachari and C.Pandurangappa on “Time dependent Analytical diffusion model of Air Pollutant in a protected zone due to point source with wet deposition”, J.Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 15, 3344-3351 (2018).
- The paper “Time dependent Analytical diffusion model of Air Pollutant in a protected zone due to point source with wet deposition”was presented at the Internal Conference held at Sai Vidya Institute of Technology, Bangalore-560064 and was selected for the BEST PAPER AWARD and it was published in J.Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 15, 3344-3351 (2018).
- Attended International Conference on “International Conference on Recent Trends in Applied and Computational Mathematics-ICRTACM-2021” on 8th and 9th October, 2021 at School of Applied Sciences, Department of Mathematics, Reva University, Bangaluru-560064, India.
- Participated in one day online FDP on “Adoption of Online platform for Practical Based subjects” on 24th June 2020 organized by RIBS, Bangalore.
- Participated in one day National E-Seminar on “IMPACT OF COVID -19 IN EDUCATION SECTOR “on 4th June 2020 organized by Department of Languages, RCASC, Bangalore.
- Participated in one day FDP on” E-Resource and Digital Content” on 21st September 2019 organized by Department of Library, RCASC, Bangalore.
- Attended One day Faculty Development Program on “E-Resource and Digital Content” held on 21st September 2019 conducted by Department of Library and Information Centre at RCASC.
- Participated in 3rd National Seminar on “ New Methodology of Assessment and Accreditation by NAAC-Issues and Challenges” held on 11-04-2019 organized by INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE CELL’S at Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce , Bangalore.
- Attended one day workshop on Mathematics practicals using FOSS on 02-03-2019 at Jnanajyothi seminar hall, Bangalore University, ORGANIZED BY DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS central college Bangalore University in association with Bangalore university Mathematics Teachers Forum.
- Participated in the One Day Faculty Development Program on “ EFFECTIVE PEDAGOGICAL TECHNIQUES FOR TODAY’S GOOGLE ERA ” held on 04-09-2018 organized by INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE CELL’S at Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce , Bangalore.
- Attended International Conference on “Topical Transcends in Science, technollogy and Management” on 17th and 18th August 2018 at Sai Vidya Institute of Technology, Bangalore-560064 and obtained the BEST PAPER AWARD.
- Participated in the celebration of “National Science Day” on 12th March 2018 jointly organized by Ramaiah College of Arts Science and Commerce and Karnataka Science and Technology Academy, Department of Science and Technology, Government of Karnataka held at RCASC
- Participated in the One week FDP on “Computational Tools for Engineering Applications”, from 16th to 21st January 2018 Organized by Department of Mathematics, Ramaih Institute of Technology.
- Attended Faculty Development Programme on “Meditation for Work Life Balance” conducted on 14th-16th of September 2017 at M S Ramaiah College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Bangalore
- Participated in the Three day Faculty program on “ICT and modeling in applied mathematics “ from 30th January to 1st Feb’ 2017 oganized by Department of Mathematics, BMSIT&M, Bangalore
- Participated in the Faculty Development Program on “RESEARCH METHODOLOGY” from 23rd to 28th January 2017 organized by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering ,BMSIT&M, Bangalore
- Attended two day workshop on mathematics practicals using FOSS on 22th and 23th July 2016 at Jnanajyothi seminar hall, Bangalore University, organised by Department of Mathematics, Central college, Bangalore University in association with Bangalore university Mathematics Teachers Forum.
- Participated in national conference on “Research Consultancy and Innovation in Higher Educational Institutions – Issues and Challenges“ on 5th April 2016 organized by the Internal quality assurance cell of MSRCASC
- Attended two day workshop on “SCILAB PROGRAMMING” on 15th & 16th December 2014 held at BMSIT, Bangalore.
- Attended a Lecture workshop on Differential Equations and its Aplications Organized by Department of mathemativs of Indian Academy Degree College,Bangalore—43 on Feb 21 & 22 , 2014
- Attended NAAC sponsored one day national level workshop on “Revised Methodology 2012 in Assesment and Accreditation by NAAC held on 16.4.2013 organized byMSRCASC
- Attended 15 days yoga programme from 15-30 ,March 2013 organized by the department of Languages ,MSRCASC
- Attended National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) conducted by Classle held on 2nd January 2013 at M S Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce.
- Participated in the workshop on Mathematical Modeling applied to Physical and Natural Sciences on 30th July 2012 at MES College.
- Participated in National Science Day celebrations on 23rd and 24th February 2012 at M S Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce.
- Participated in one day Workshop on revision of B.Sc. Mathematics syllabus at Vijaya College on 10th October 2009.
- Participated in the Lecture Workshop on “Recent Trends in Mathematics and its applications” held on 9th October 2009 at Bishop Cotton Women’s Christian college.
- Participated in one day symposium on Ramanujan’s Mathematics organized by Bangalore University on 15th June 2009 in Central College.
Curricular & Extra Curricular Activities (Contribution to Development of Institution)
- Member of Examination Committee
- Organized two day workshop on “ Scilab Programming and Maxima “ on 9th and 10th july 2018 for I year B.Sc(EMCs) students
- Organized two day workshop on “ Scilab Programming and Maxima “ on 9th and 10th july 2018 for I year B.Sc(EMCs) students
- Organized one day workshop on “ Scilab Programming and Maxima “ on 13th july 2017 for I year B.Sc(EMCs) students.
- Organized one day workshop on “ Scilab Programming and Maxima “ on 20th july 2016 for I year B.Sc(EMCs) students
- Organized one day workshop on “ Scilab Programming and Maxima “ on 22nd and 23rd January 2016 for I year B.Sc(EMCs) students
- Co-Ordinator of morning session University Examinations
- Question Paper setter
The paper “Time dependent Analytical diffusion model of Air Pollutant in a protected zone due to point source with wet deposition”was presented at the Internal Conference held at Sai Vidya Institute of Technology, Bangalore-560064 and was selected for the BEST PAPER AWARD.
- Email: ravi_maths@msrcasc.edu.in
Department of Business Administration
M.S Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce
Bangalore - 560054, India