Name: Ms. Kruthi.V.P
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Com, MBA, PGDFT
Year of Joining: November - 2020
Work Experience: 2.4 Years
To understand about the price uncertainty of commodities and stocks in the national and international market. Further, to understand the key factors influencing the price instability.
Kruthi.V.P and Kavyashree.S (2021) Performance Evaluation of Mutual Funds: A Comparative study on selected Indian Mutual Funds", International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review. E- ISSN -2347-856X, 8(3).
International Financial Management, Indian Financial Institutions and Markets, Entrepreneurship Development, Marketing, Principles of Auditing, Commodity Markets, Financial management, Corporate Administration, International Finance, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Business Statistics, Financial Services.
- 4 Days National Level Online Workshop on “Preparation for UGC NET (Paper 1)”, Department of Commerce, SSMRV College, Bengaluru, 18th-21st May, 2020 Enhancement of Research skills, National level online workshop, Sivananda Sarma RV college, Bangalore, 15th-18th June, 2020.
- Is Technical Analysis Prime for Stock Selection?", International Webinar, Loyola Degree College, Bangalore, 25th June, 2020.
- Working Remotely and Productively During Covid-19 & Liquidity Management During Crisis, One Day International Multidisciplinary Webinar, Sivananda Sarma RV college, Bangalore, 25th June, 2020.
- Managing Finances & Investments in Covid times, National Webinar, Baldwin Methodist College, 1st July, 2020.
- Strategic research to turnaround business in emerging scenario, International virtual conference, Indian Institute of Plantation Management Bengaluru, 4th July, 2020.
- National level Webinar on “Publication metrics: H index impact factor and citation databases”, Post Graduate Department of Commerce, B.M.S. College for Women, 18th July 2020.
- Commodity Derivatives Market, NCDEX Institute of Commodity Markets & Research (NICR) inassociation with Indian Institute Of Plantation Management, Bangalore, 25th July, 2020.
- Scholarly writing and publications in Internationally indexed journals, Green Bag Seminar Series, National level Research Seminar, Indian Institute of Plantation management, Bengaluru, 28th October 2020.
- Online Seminar on “Emerging trends in the Finance Domain” Mylogic, 13th January, 2021.
- One day webinar on “Be Smart: Stress Management through Art” organized by Women Cell - Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Bengaluru on 13th February 2021.
- One day National level Online webinar on “Impact of Union Budget-2021 on common man”, Department of Commerce, SSMRV College, 17th February 2021.
- International webinar on “Innovation in Entrepreneurship”, Sheshadripuram Evening Degree College, 28th April,2021.
- National level webinar series on “National Education Policy,2020-A Paradigm Shift in Indian education Scenario”, Vikasana NEP 2020: Vision to action, in association with Bangalore university and Disha Bharat, 30th April, 2021.
- National level Webinar on “Impact of NEP 2020 on Quality Parameters in Institutions of Higher Education”, Maniben Nanavati Women’s College, Mumbai in association with National Assessment and Accreditation Council, 30th April, 2021.
- Two day International webinar on “Financial Investments-growth and opportunities an investors and company perspective, Department of Commerce, SSMRV College 17th-18th May, 2021.
- 22nd edition of Online national level Faculty study circle “Innovative Teaching Strategies for Digital Natives-Gen Z”, Department of Commerce, SSMRV College 26th-27th May 2021.
- 3 day International Conference on “Recovery strategies of business in uncertain times”, MaharajaInstitute of Technology Mysore, 02-04th June 2021.
- National level Webinar on “Research guidelines-Literature Review, Questionnaire designing and application of statistical tools”, Department of Commerce, SSMRV College 2nd November 2022 to 4th November 2022.
- 10 day Faculty Development Programme on “Preparation of UGC NET: Paper-1”, Department of Commerce, Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce, 21 February 2022 to 4th March 2022.
- Email:
Department of Commerce
M.S Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce
Bangalore - 560054, India