Name: Ms. Prabhavathi J
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.A., B.Ed. ., (Ph.D.)
Year of Joining: 2013
Work Experience: 13 Years
Subject Specialisation Linguistic and Folklore
- Research article published in MSR Journal of Social Sciences and Literature Topic “Bandavalashahi Nithi” in the month of Nov 2015 ISSN2394-5249.
- Published research paper in 10 th Nation Women’s science congress 6&7- nov-2017 on the topic of “Bhashe Upabhashe”. Proceedings ” Leelavathi -10” ISSN2250-3978.
- Published research paper in 10 th Nation Women’s science congress 6&7- nov-2017 on the topic of “Bhasheya Swaroopa”. Proceedings ” Leelavathi -10” ISSN2250-3978.
- Presented title “Imapct on Covid pandamic in Education on 4- 6-2020 in Satate level Seminar (ONLINE) conducted by Abbas Khan College for Womens.
- Published a peer reviewed International journal in International Journal for Academic Reasearch on the Topic of “Janapada Kalaprakaragalu-Ondu Kiru Nota” Volume 7,Issue-12(3) December,2020 ISSN:2348-7666 Impact Factor:6.232 .
- Presented and Published a paper title “Janapada Vruttigayakaru:Ondu Avalokhana “ on 07-09-2021 ,National Level Seminar Organised by KLE College and UGC Stride.
- Published a Research Article in International Journal of Kannada Research ISSN:2454-5813 Volume :8 on the Topic of “Dr.Shivarama Karanthara chomana dudiyallina Stri Samvedaneya Amshagalu”
- Attended a work-shop by college under faculty development program on “Application of statistics for academic excellence using MS Excel ” on 5th Dec.2013
- Attended seminar on 15th Dec 2013 to 17th Dec 2013 Organized by “Kannada Sahithya Parishath” 3days seminar at “Ravindra Kalakshethra” . Topic “Gnana peeta Prashasti Puraskruthra Kurithu Vichra Sankirana” Bengalore
- Attended a seminar on “ G S ShivarudrappaKuritu Vichara Sankirana” on 6th and 7th Mar.2014.
- Attended a National level conferne on “Rethinking Language Teaching in India “ at Jain University on 2nd & 3rd Mar-2015.
- Participated in the National conference on “Reasearch,Consultancy and Innovation in Higher Educational Institution –Issues and Challenges. On 5th April 2016.
- Attended one day National level seminar on 28th March-2018 at Bangalore University on the topic of “Male Mahdeshwara Kavya”.
- Attended and Presented a paper in 10 th Nation Women’s science congress 6th & 7th Nov-2017 on the topic of “Bhashe Upabhashe”.
- Attended and Presented a paper as co-author in 10 th Nation Women’s science congress 6th & 7th Nov-2017 on the topic of “Bhasheya Swaroopa”. Attended 3rd National Seminar Organized by IQAC, RCASC on 11th April 2019.
- Attended one-day National Level Seminar on the topic of “ Unnatha Shikshanadalli Kannada Bhashe mattu Sahithya” at 23-05-2020 Organised by Dr.NSAM (NITTE) College with the Collaboration of IQAC
- Attended one-day Seminar on the topic of “Impact of Covid-19 on Higher Education” at 06-06-2020 organised by Abbas Khan College for Womens.
- Attended one day Webinar on the topic of “Kannada Shikkshana : Mundina hejjegalu “ at 05-06-2020 Organised by SSMRV College.
- Attended International Webinar on the Topic of “ Comprahensions of Vachana Sahithya –A New Entry “ Organised by Dept of Studies in Kannada and IQAC Cell at 19-06-2020.
- Attended International Webinar on the topic of “ Vachana Sahithya:Bayalonagana Roopu “ at 30-07-2020 Organised by Basava Balaga MASKAT and SGM College Chithradurga.
- Attended in the one day National Webinar held on 25-07-2020 on “ Fighting Shadow Pandemic “ Organised by Dept of English RCASC .
- Attended one day Workshop on the topic of “Hosa Patya –Hosa Savalugalu “ Organised by SJRC Womens College 05-01-2021.
- Attended one-day Special Lecture programme on Kannada Janapada Mahabharata Vaishishtyagalu organized by Darvida University, Andhra, on 28.08.2021.
- Attended one-day National Level Seminor on the topic of “Karnataka janapada Mahakavyagalu Parampare mattu Samskrithi “Organized by KLE College Kannada Department and UGC Stride on 07-09-2021.
- Attended one-day National Level Seminor on the topic of “Karnataka janapada Mahakavyagalu Parampare mattu Samskrithi “Organized by KLE College Kannada Department and UGC Stride on 07-09-2021.
Invited as a Chief Guest for the Program of Women’s Day on 11-03-2022
- Email:
Department of Indian Languages
MS Ramaiah College of Arts Science and Commerce
Bangalore 560054, India