- Qualification: MSc, BEd
- Department: Department of Chemistry/ Biochemistry
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Year of Experience: 5 Years
- Email ID:
Academic and Professional Achievements
Research Project
“Synthesis, Characterization and anti-microbial activity of Isatin Schiff Bases”
Research Guidance:
- Synthesis and Characterization of Isatin Schiff Bases.
- Anti-microbial and Anti-fungal activity of Isatin Schiff Bases.
Awards and Recognitions
- Appointed as Member to the mLAC Board of Studies 2019-21-reg., Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women Autonomous.
- Recognition of valuable interaction in workshop/ seminar “LEGAL AWARENESS” on 28th October 2009 from Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women.
- Participated in the 10th NATIONAL WOMEN’S SCIENCE CONGRESS and presented a paper as co-author“Probability of the outcome of rolling three six faced identical distinguishable dice” on 6th and 7th November 2017 at Ramaiah College of Arts, Science & Commerce.
- Participated in the 10thNATIONAL WOMEN’S SCIENCE CONGRESS and presented a paper“Synthesis, Characterization and anti-microbial activity of Isatinschiff bases” on 6th and 7th November 2017 at Ramaiah College of Arts, Science & Commerce.
- Presented a paper titled “Creativity, Innovation and Leadership Development in Students” in the National Conference on “Research, Consultancy and Innovation in Higher Educational Institutions-issues and Challenges” organized by the IQAC of MSRCASC on the 5th April, 2016
Conferences/ Workshops/ Seminars/ Training programme/ FDP - Attended
- Participated in One day National Seminar on “Good Manufacturing Practices in pharmaceutical Industries” on 26th June 2021 organised by the Department of Chemistry/ Biochemistry, RCASC.
- Participated in Five days e-FDP on “Recent Trends in Material Science” from 2-11-2020 to 6-11-2020 organised by the Department of Chemistry, Sapthagiri College of Engineering, Bengaluru.
- Participated in an online International Conference on Multidisciplinary Innovations in Science and Technology (MIST-2020) on 18th and 19th September 2020 organised by The Oxford College of Science, Bangalore.
- Participated in Five day Faculty Development Programme on “Leading Research Trends in Biological Sciences” organized by the Department of Chemistry/ Biochemistry, RCASC from 17/08/2020 to 21/08/2020.
- Attended the National level webinar on “Learning Chemistry Principles through Simple Experiments” organized by the Department of Chemistry, Bishop Cotton Women’s Christian College on 13th August 2020.
- Participated in One day National Webinar held on 25th July 2020 on “Fighting Shadow Pandemic” organised by the Department of English, RCASC.
- Participated in “Spit-Free India Movement” during Jun. – Aug. 2020 to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
- Participated in the National Webinar on Neuro- Linguistic Programming Techniques for Enhancing Teaching Effectiveness organized by Dr. N. S. A. M. First Grade College, Bengaluru – 89 on 8th June, 2020.
- Participated in One Day National Level Webinar on “Impact of Covid-19 Empowering Young Lives Mental Health Awareness” on 26th June 2020 Organized by H K E Society’s, Sree Veerendra Patil Degree College of Science, Arts, Commerce, Management and Post Graduation(M.Com).
- Participated in One Day National E-Seminar on the topic “Impact of Covid-19 in Education Sector” on 4th June 2020.
- Appeared in National Level online quiz on “NET/ SET Paper-I” on 29/06/2020 and scored 96% conducted by Department of Computer Science, CSI Jayaraj Annapackiam College.
- Participated in One Day National Level Online Faculty Development Programme on “Art of Influencing Students in Online Classes” held on 25th June, 2020.
- Participated in Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Recent Trends in Biological and Environmental Sciences (RTBES-2020)” Jointly organized by Department of Chemistry and Department of Physics held on 13th – 18th January 2020.
- Participated in the 1st International Conference on Life, Chemical and Health Sciences (ICLCHS) from 24th – 26th October, 2019 Organized by Department of Life Sciences, Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce in Collaboration with Karnataka Science and Technology Academy (KSTA), Department of IT, BT and Science & Technology, Government of Karnataka (GoK).
- Participated in Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “SCOPE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF MATERIALS SCIENCE FOR INDUSTRY-ACADEMIA COLLABORATION” (SSMSIAC-2019) FROM 29TH July to 3rd August 2019, organized by Department of Chemistry & Department of Physics, Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.
- Participated in “CHEM-THIRST 2019” one-day symposium on “BEST-PRACTICES IN CHEMISTRY” organized by PG-Department of Chemistry, NMKRV COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, Jayanagar, III Block, Bangalore-11, held on 27th March 2019.
- Participated in “Two-day Extension Lecture Programme in Chemistry” Organized by Centre for Continuing Education, Indian Institute of science (IISc) in association with Department of Chemistry, Jnana Bharathi Campus, Bangalore University, Bangalore during 15-16 November 2018.
- Participated in the Workshop on Revised Accreditation Framework (RAF) of NAAC held on 6th October 2018 at Seshadripuram First Grade College, Yelahanka New Town, Bengaluru-64.
- Participated in the Two Days Expert Lecture Series on “Current Trends in Mathematical and Physical Sciences” organized by Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences- Bangalore, India in association with Karnataka Science and Technology Academy (KSTA), GoK on 24th& 25th, September 2018.
- Participated One Day FDP on “Prerana – Journey from Teacher to Guru” Organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), on 20/7/2018 at Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Bengaluru.
- Participated in Science Academies’ Lecture Workshop on “Current Manifestations in Chemistry” SALWOCMC-2018 organized by PG-department of Chemistry, NMKRV College for women and Sponsored by Indian Academy of Sciences on 22nd& 23rd march 2018.
- Participated in 10th Annual Conference of KARNATAKA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ACADEMY – 2018 jointly organized by KSTA and REVA University held during 18-19 January 2018.
- Participated in a two day “Faculty Development Programme” on “Applications of MS Excel in Academies and research” organized by the department of Biotechnology and Genetics on 28th and 29th November 2017 held at computer science lab, MSRCASC.
- Participated in “Chemistry Lecture series-2017” organized by Chemistry teacher’s forum, Bangalore University, Bangalore in association with Vivekananda Degree College, Rajajinagar Bangalore on 12th October 2017.
- Participated in the Faculty Development Program organized by Department of English and Shri Ram Chandra Mission on “Meditation for Work-Life Balance” conducted on 14th, 15th& 16th of September 2017.
- Participated in two day science academies’ lecture workshop on “Nano-science and Nano-Technology” organized by the department of physical sciences, S.J.R.College for women on 29th and 30th august 2017.
- Participated in one week professional workshop on “Back to Nature- Nature friendly Attitudes, Sciences and Technologies (BN-NFAST)” held from 24th to 30th June 2017 at Ramaiah Institute of technology, Bangalore-54.
- Participated in “Science Academies” lecture Workshop on Organic Chemistry from Bench to Industry” SALWOCBI-2017 organized by PG-department of Chemistry & Sponsored by Indian academy of sciences at NMKRV College for Women on 14th& 15th March 2017.
- Attended workshop on “Instrumentation, Application and Maintenance of Instruments” organized on 1 March 2017 at Govt. Science College K.R.Circle, Bangalore in association with M/s. Equiptronics, Mumbai.
- Attended workshop on “Discussion of Revised B.Sc. chemistry syllabus (CBCS) Bangalore university- New topics and model question papers” organized on 6th January 2017 at Vijaya College, Bangalore.
- Participated in the Science Academies’ two day lecture workshop on “Spectroscopic and Microscopic Methods for the Analysis of Materials” (SMAM-2016) organized by the Department of Chemistry, St. Joseph’s College, Bengaluru in association with Indian Academy of Sciences, Bengaluru, Indian National Science Academy (INSA), New Delhi and The National Academy of Sciences, Allahabad on 1st & 2nd December 2016.
- Attended the below teacher training workshop as a part of royal society of chemistry Yusuf Hamied inspirational chemistry programme for 3 days held during 11th and 12th may 2016 organized at M.S.Ramaiah college of education, Bangalore.
- Participated in the one day workshop on “Recent Advances in Solution Combustion Synthesis” (RASCS-2016), held on 28, February 2016 conducted at M.S.Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
- Participated in three day FDP on “Recent advances in Materials Design and Characterization (RAMDC-2016)” Under TEQIP (Phase-II) held during 11th to 13th Jan 2016, organized by Department of chemistry MSRIT, Bengaluru.
- Participated in Science Academies Lecture Workshop on “Recent Advances in Electrochemistry” SALWARE-2015 organized by PG Department of chemistry and sponsored by Indian academy of sciences at NMKRV College for Women on 28th and 29th October 2015.
- Successfully Completed Global Shapers Fellowship Program of duration 2 months
Organized by Government of Karnataka. - Participated in a “Two Day Workshop on Spectroscopy” organized by the Department of Chemistry and IQAC, at Government Science College, Bangalore on 26th & 27th of March 2013 under UGC-CPE.
- Participated in two days Workshop on “Frontiers in Chemistry”, in Association with Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore on 13th and 14th February, 2013 at Christ University, Bangalore, India.
- Participated and secured III Place in CRISIS MANAGEMENT in the Chemistry Intercollegiate Science Fest “Chemoz” held at Christ University on 3rd Sept 2012.
- Participated and secured I Place in Quiz Competation conducted by Chemposium-2011: Celebrating International Year of Chemistry held at Indian Academy Degree College on 26 November, 2011.
- Participated in Science Model Exhibition Competation conducted by H.K.E.S Degree College, Sadashivnagar, Bangalore on 6th & 7th March 2009.