- Qualification: MBA,KSET, Pursuing Ph.D
- Department: Management Studies MBA
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Years of Experience:6 Years
- Email id:
Academic and Professional Achievements
- PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL METHODOLOGY- A case study with genesis microchip pvt. Ltd.
Paper Presentations
- “Insight on the Innovative product ideas showcased by cyber security”, International Conference on Security, 7th April 2018, Garden City University, Bengaluru.
- “Security of women at work place”, International Conference on Security, 7th April, 2018, Garden City University, Bengaluru.
- “Leveraging Knowledge in Start-Ups”, International knowledge transfer conclave- 2018, 18th June, 2018, Garden City University, Bengaluru.
- “A study on the sustainable value creation of B2B startups” International Conference on "Harmonizing people, planet and Profits-Sustainable strategies and Ethical considerations in the 21st century" in collaboration with IMA, January 2020, Christ University, Bangalore.
Paper Publications
- Author: Vichitra Somashekar and Dr.K. Gayathri Reddy (2018) - Factors that hobble the growth of b2b start- ups and streamlining start-up, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) /Vol 5 / Issue 3/826, 354-369.
- Author: Vichitra Somashekar and Ashok.P (March 2019) - Make Smart, Make living smart, International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research (IJAIR)Vol 6/ Issue 1/ (XXXII) ISSN 2394-7780, 133-135 (Impact factor -7.36).
- Author: Vichitra Somashekar and Dr.K. Gayathri Reddy (April 2019)- A study on the success of startups in industry.
- 0 framework, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research(JETIR) Vol 6 Issue 4, ISSN – 2349-5162, 53-57, UGC approved and 5.87 Impact Factor.
- Author: Vichitra Somashekar and Eram Asif (January 2020) - “A study on the sustainable value creation of B2B startups” Page – 20, ISBN -978-81-265-6095-0.
- Author: Vichitra Somashekar and Dr. Ramya.U (April 2020) – “Psychological impact of Corona quarantine on the society, JXAT Journal, Volume XIII, Issue IV, SCOPUS INDEXED.
- Author: Vichitra Somashekar and Dr.K.Gayathri Reddy (2020) –Creating awareness of Government policy support and funding options available amongst the budding technology startups, International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM) Volume-2, Issue 7, pp: 26-36, ISSN – 2395-5252
FDP's,Workshops,Webinars attended
- One week workshop on “research methodology “from 26th February -3rd march 2018 organized by VTU HRDC, centre for PG studies, Muddenahalli, Chickaballapur (dist).
- FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRMAMME – JUNE 2019, JANUARY 2020 (Innovation Teaching and Research)
- National Symposium on “Technology and Innovations interface with IPR” held at IISC, 28th January, 2020.
- Workshop on “Manuscript Writing and high-quality publishing” held online on April 24-27, 2020 by IIM, Ahmedabad.
- Online Faculty Development programme on “Contemporary Tools and Techniques for Teachers and Researchers in Higher Education – held on 9th May 2020 at Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.
- Online Faculty Development programme on “Research Methodology” – from May 25th – 27th, 2020 Organized by school of business, UPES, Dehradun.
- Webinar on “Quality Management tools for workplace efficiency”- held on 30th October 2020 at St. Joseph’s Institute of Management, Bengaluru