Name: Ms. Dhanashri Vaishali
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.SC.(CS), M.PHIL.(CS), (PH.D.)
Year of Joining: 2016
Work Experience: 17 Years
Would like to work in the field of data science (multiple disciplinary) area to serve the mankind with some effective work.
- Published paper on “Analysis of Sensor Network in Different Sectors” in Indian Journal of Natural Sciences Ref: IJONS/PUB-71/VOL-13/APR/354/2022.
- Published paper on “A Review on Intimidation of E-tool in pandemic” in Journal of Integrated marketing communications and digital marketing .Vol-1,Issue-2
- Published Paper on “Blue eye technology”
- Published paper on “Cryptography and Network security”
- Published paper on “Ayurveda- Mother of all medicine” etc
- Presented paper in One Day National E-Seminar on the topic “IMPACT OF COVID-19 IN EDUCATION SECTOR”
- Presented paper on “Own cloud Storage System” at international Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications( ICICTA 2020)
- Book on Digital Fluency for 1sr year (all courses) as per Bengaluru City University is in the process of printing.
- Book on Computer Networks for the BCA course as per Bengaluru city university syllabus is in the process of printing.
- Programming in C, Database Management System, Data Structure, Software Engineering ,Visual programming, Object Oriented Programming using C++, Operating System, Computer Networks, Analysis and Design of Algorithm, Professional and Business Communication, Cryptography and Network Security, Discrete Mathematics, Web programming, Java Programming.
- Guiding many projects for BCA final year projects of V and VI sem every year.
- Participated in the National Webinar on “Statistical Package for Social Sciences” on 28th May 2022, conducted by the Department of Commerce & Management Studies (In Association with IQAC), Aspire College of Advanced Studies, Thrithala, Palakkad, Kerala, India.
- Participated in One Day National Level Virtual Workshop on “Research Methodology” conducted in Association with Royal Society of Chemistry (UK) Local Section Deccan organized by Department of Chemistry on 28th January 2022.
- Participated in the National Webinar on National sports day “KREEDA UTSAVA IN AMRUTHA MAHOSTHSAVA” on 14/9/2021.
- Participated in the National Webinar on “Nutrition and Women Health” on 13/9/2021
- Participated in the Webinar on “Deep Learning” on 10th August 2020 organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering,Ilahia College of Engineering and Technology, Muvattupuzha in association with the computer society of India(CSI)-student branch, ICET and Navitech Ernakulam
- Participated in One Day National Level Webinar on "RESEARCH TRENDS IN EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES" conducted by Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women Autonomous, Bangalore, on 4th August 2021.
- Participated in one Day International Conference on Advances in Business, Commerce & Information Technology organized by the Department of Computer Application, Management & Commerce , T.John College on 30th July 2020
- Participated in one day national webinar “Idea of Mimesis: Plato and Aristotle” organized under the joint auspices of Government College Autonomous, Kalaburagi and Gulbarga University Degree Colleges English Teachers Association (R).
- Actively Participated in the International Level Webinar on “Mobile App Development Using Ionic Framework” By Mr. Rajkumar Kalamani organized by the department of Computer Application, St. Xavier’s college (Autonomous), Palayamkottai on 28.6.2020.
- Actively Participated in the International Level Webinar on “Data Visualization Using Tableau” By Mr. Radhakrishnan organized by the department of Computer Application, St. Xavier’s college (Autonomous), Palayamkottai on 27.6.2020.
- Actively Participated in the International Level Webinar on “Digital Accessibility Tech for Blind” By Mr. Michael Packiyaraj organized by the department of Computer Application, St. Xavier’s college (Autonomous), Palayamkottai on 26.6.2020.
- Participated in one day National level webinar on “Impact of COVID-19 Empowering young lives mental health awareness” organized by Sree Veerendra Patil Degree college of Science, Arts, Commerce,Bangalore-80.
- Actively Participated in the International Level Webinar on “Opportunities in New Normal” By Mr. R. Ayerajothi organized by the department of Computer Application, St. Xavier’s college (Autonomous), Palayamkottai on 25.6.2020.
- Actively Participated in the International Level Webinar on “Emotional Well-Being and Managing Stress” By Dr. M Sureshkumar organized by the department of Computer Application, St. Xavier’s college (Autonomous), Palayamkottai on 24.6.2020.
- Actively Participated in the International Level Webinar on “Data Analytics” By Mr. Naveen Karunakaran organized by the department of Computer Application, St. Xavier’s college (Autonomous), Palayamkottai on 22.6.2020.
- Participated in National Level Webinar on “Predictive Analytics and Data Modeling on COVID-19 Crisis using Redefined Control Measures” on 17/06/2020 organized by Dept. of Computer Science, Sindhi College, Bengaluru – 560024.
- Actively Participated in the National Level Webinar on “Road map to Academic Research and Hidden Opportunities” organized by the department of Computer Application, St. Xavier’s college (Autonomous), Palayamkottai on 15.6.2020.
- Participated in National Level Webinar held on 13th June 20020, organized by the Department of Computer Science and Application, St. Francis College, Kormangala, Bengaluru.
- Presented paper in One Day National E-Seminar on the topic “IMPACT OF COVID-19 IN EDUCATION SECTOR” on 4/6/2020, organized by the department of Languages, RCASC.
- Participated in the One Day National Webinar held on 28th April, 2021 on “Safety and Health at Work”
- Participated in a National Webinar on “Roadmap for Quality Audit” organized by IQAC, SRN Adarsh College with collaborating academic partner NAAC on 5/3/2021.
- Participated in 3 rd National Seminar on “New Methodology of Assessment and Accreditation by NAAC-Issues and Challenges” on 11 th April 2019 at Ramaiah college of Arts, Science and Commerce, Bangalore.
- Participated in a National Webinar on “Impact of Artificial Intellegence on life of Common man” organized by SRN Adarsh College funded by Karnataka Science & Technology academy (KSTA) from 8/4/2021-9/4/2021.
- Attending the National Seminar on “Health for all through Ayurveda - The Science of Life” which was organized on World Health Day by Department of Chemistry/ Biochemistry, Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Bengaluru, on 7th April, 2021.
- Participated in International Conference on “COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND COMMUNICATION” on 15 th March 2019 at Presidency College, Bangalore-
Felicitated as Guest of Honor for conducting guest lectures and workshops for MCA students of Bangalore Institute of Technology.
- Email:
Department of Computer Science and Application
MSRCASC, Bangalore 560054