Name: Ms. Shaik Valli Haseena
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: MCA
Year of Joining: 2022
Work Experience: 11 Years
Cloud Computing & Mobile Computing
- Presented a paper and published titled” A study on mobile computing” in International Conference – Emerging Trends in Multidisciplinary approach to Higher education- A global perspective on 15th & 16th December 2022 held at RJS First Grade College, Bangalore.
- Participated in the NAAC Sponsored National Conference on Academic& Administrative Audit(AAA) held on 29th July 2016 and contributed to its success conducted by RJS First Grade College Bangalore.
- Presented a paper and published titled” Security Challenges and IOT” in National Conference – Current Trends in Computer Science held at The Oxford College of Science, Bangalore.
- Published paper titled” A study on the Integrated Security System based Real Time Network Packet Deep inspection” on National Conference – Sustainability -key to future Business, Environmental, Linguistic, Scientific & Technological fields on 15th October 2015 held at RJS First Grade College, Bangalore.
- Presented a paper and Published titled” A study on Network Trouble Shooting” in National Conference – Trends in Computer Science & Information Technology and its Impacts on other Sectors on 15th & 16th September 2015 held at RJS First Grade College, Bangalore.
- Participated in One Week National Level Online Faculty Development Program on Recent Advances in Data Science, Data Analytics and Cyber Security from 1-5 March 2023 organized by the department of CSE at Shri Vishnu Engineering College for Women (A), Bhimavaram.
- Participated in the 5-Days' National Level FDP on ''RESEARCH APPLICATIONS IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND MACHINE LEARNING" organized by Department of Computer Applications, Dr.N.S.A.M First Grade College, Krishnarajapura Village,Bengaluru-89 from 20th to 24th February 2023.
- Participated in the 5 days Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Application of Data Science and achine Learning in Research Process organized by Department of Computer Applications, Nagarjuna Degree College from 13th to 17th February 2023.
- Participated in the Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Recent Trends in Computer Science organized by G. PULLA REDDY ENGINEERING COLLEGE (Autonomous): KURNOOL held from 20th to 24th December 2022.
- Has attended the FDP on Innovative Research Practices at RJSIMS Bangalore on 2nd & 3rd September 2015.
- Completed the SMART Notebook Full Day Training Assessment on 29/6/2012 conducted by SMART Technologies.
- Attended one Day consultancy training on Photoshop and CorelDraw conducted by The Oxford College of Science on 14/02/2011
- Participated in three days faculty development program on the theme “Train the Trainee 360” from 16/10/2008 to 18/10/2008 at Al-Ameen College, Bangalore.
- Participated in workshop on e-Resources held at RJS First Grade College on 27th April 2016
- Ms. Shaik Valli Haseena has participated in the workshop on “Effective Implementation of Problem Based Learning in the Academic Curriculum” conducted on 8th January 2011 at The Oxford College of Science.
- Participated in the workshop on “The Right of Children to Free and compulsory Education Act 2008” conducted by the Garden City College on 25th September 2009.
- Attended International Webinar on “The Tech Leads through Python Coding Programming “ on 23/01/2023 organised by Department of MCA/BCA , GT Institute of Management Studies & Research, Bengaluru-91.
- Participated in International Webinar on “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Opportunities in Academics” on 28/05/2021 organised by Department of Computer Science, Sindhi College, Bengaluru-24
- Java, Computer Networks, Network Programming, Microprocessor, DBMS, C, C++, Internet Technologies
- Guided final year students for acdemic projects.
- Participated in National Level Webinar on “Predictive Analytics and Data Modelling on COVID-19 Crisis using Redefined Control Measures” on 17/06/2020 organized by Dept. of Computer Science, Sindhi College, Bangalore.
- Participated in the One Day National Webinar held on 13th June 2020, on “ Privacy and Security in Social Networks” organized by Department of Computer Science and Application, ST.Francis College.
- Participated in One Day National E-Seminar on the topic “IMPACT OF COVID-19 IN EDUCATION SECTOR” on 04.June.2020 organized by Department Of Languages, Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce.
- Attended a One Day National Seminar on New Methodology of Assessment and Accreditation by NAAC- Issues and Challenges organized by RCASC-IQAC on 11th April 2019
- Attended National Science day on “Sustainable Energy for all “ conducted by MSRCASC on 23rd and 25th February 2012.
- Attended in National Level Seminar on Mobility held on 9th February 2013, at K L E Society’s S. Nijalingappa College
- National webinar on Nutrition & Women health 13th sept 2021 Webinar on research Trends in Emereging technologies 4th Aug 2021
- Participated in Two Day National Conference on ‘Strategizing teaching-Learning for Quality Enhancement & Sustenance” in Sindhi College on 22nd and 23rd March 2019.
- Attended a National Level conference on “Current Trends in Advanced Computing and IT applications” on 1st and 2nd March 2013, in Jain Group of institutions.
- Participated in International Workshop on Accelerate Research, conducted online during 22nd – 26th, September 2020 Organized by Anurag University
- Attended the National programme on Technology Enhanced Learning Workshop Conducted by Classless held on 2nd January 2013.
- Participated in National level Quiz on NET/SET PAPER I on 29th June 2020 and scored 92% with was organized by CSI Jayaraj Annapackiam College.
- Participated in National level Quiz on NET/SET PAPER I on 28th June 2020 and scored 96% with was organized by CSI Jayaraj Annapackiam College.
- Participated in the National Level Faculty Development Programme on “Matlab and its Applications” from 17th to 19th August 2020 organized by Bishop Cotton Women’s Christian College.
- Participated in the International Level Faculty Development Programme on “Python Programming” from 5th to 11th June 2020 organized by Department of Computer Science, Government College for Women, Kolar, Karnataka.
- Attended a Two day FDP on R-Programming with Data Science held on 28th and 29th September 2018 at MSRCASC
Received Certificate of excellence Award for getting hundred percent results in the academic year 2015-16 by RJS First /grade College.
- Email:
M.S Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce
Bangalore - 560054, India